Parental Involvment

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Parental Involvement

Parental Involvement

The background information

A child's successes and/or failures in schools can be attributed to the home they grow up in and the kind of familial support they receive.  A major focus in at-risk children is involving their parents in their educational experience.  A good partnership between the school and family is so important because it enables children to have positive experiences in school.  Parent involvement is crucial to the health and well-being of a child. As a parent, you are the most important influence in your child's success in school and in life. In this role, you have a fresh opportunity every day to get involved with your child (Henderson, 2002).


Parent involvement in children's education allows kids to perform better in school, and navigate more easily some of the challenges of growing up, such as bullying (Henderson, 2002).

When schools, families, and community groups work together to support learning, children tend to do better in school, stay in school longer, and like school more. If parents have a central role in influencing their children's progress in school, research has shown that schools in turn have an important part to play in determining levels of parent involvement. Working to include parents is particularly important as students grow older, and in schools with high concentrations of poor and minority students (Cotton, 2001). Parental involvement is a necessary thing when it comes to a child's educational development. Early and consistent parental involvement in the child's life is critical such as reading to children at an early age, teaching patterns, interpersonal communication skills, exposing them to diverse cultures and the community around them, educating them on a healthy lifestyle, etc. Parental involvement is a necessary thing when it comes to a child's educational development. Early and consistent parental involvement in the child's life is critical such as reading to children at an early age, teaching patterns, interpersonal communication skills, exposing them to diverse cultures and the community around them, educating them on a healthy lifestyle, etc. The socialization and academic education of a child are aided by the involvement of the student, parent(s), teachers, and others in the community and extended family (Cotton, 2001).

It is very important for the parents of students to be involved in their school related activities. In various studies students with involved parents scored higher on test, were more motivated and were able to focus more in the classroom. In most cases it is almost essential for students to have support from home in order to do their best in the classroom. If the students are only getting support from the school and then going home to no motivation they will be less likely to succeed at their highest achievement. In schools where teachers reported high levels of outreach to parents, test scores grew at a rate 40 percent higher than in schools where reported low levels of outreach to parents. There are many ways for teachers to incorporate parents into the classroom (Henderson, ...
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