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How to Paraphrase

How to Paraphrase


Whenever a person is writing at the level required by the university, that person frequently needs to incorporate information from publicly available source and convert it into that person's own writing (Chase, 1995). This fact implies that the person needs to be cautious not to plagiarize as his or hers own. This essay's main purpose is to inform individuals that the help taken from the source material is not theirs and in order to prevent the accusation of plagiarism, the writer must document the source.


If an author uses any writer's exact work or words, then the author must place such words inside quotation marks and also add information related to the source of the quotation.


Even if a person uses his or her own words to explain any idea or concept, then if such concepts were obtained from the words of someone else's, then without proper sourcing, such words would also be considered as plagiarized. In most cases if the information isn't common knowledge to the general public, then the source of the information has to be presented to prevent accusations of plagiarism (Hertzberg, 2002).


A writer's thoughts could comprise not only important points that were concluded and with it proper evidence drawn, but, for instance, a particular technique or hypothesis, the collection of objects, or a listing of methods in a procedure or properties of a health state. If the basis of such information was a particular source, then that source needs to be mentioned to prevent plagiarism.

Common Knowledge

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