Paper Review

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Paper Review

Paper Review


Advancements in information and communication technology have provided various opportunities for researchers. The researchers can now have tons of data on internet, using online journals and online research articles, mostly for free and with efficient searching and indexing features. The paper I've chosen for review relates to the design of new model for E-Journals (Abu Baker, 2008, pp.1). E-journals are preferred over print journals due to various reasons; for example, E-Journal provides the authors with significant ease due to rapid publication, multiple use, access by larger research community and more flexibility. In this assignment, I present the review of the paper, according to my knowledge of research articles and those learnt in the class. A brief analysis and comment on the paper is also included.


What is the Paper About?

The paper can be considered related to several fields, for example Information Systems, research analysis and statistics. The paper proposes a model for E-Journals which would make the journals more easily accessible to the customers. The model would help the E-journals in making them more customized according to the demands of the users. The topic of the paper is an interesting one, due to the increasing popularity of the E-journals and online research material in the researchers' and readers' community.

Problem Addressed by the Paper

Since the researchers' first source of information is the scholarly journals, therefore, the journals should provide the optimized information to the researchers. The more flexible the journal would be according to the user demands, the better it would be; this is due to the fact that it would help the researchers in saving their precious time and efforts. In order to meet the changing needs of the researches, the online journals should have the features such as visual indexing, facilities of language translation, and the bibliographic records saving ability (Hitchcock, 2001, pp.1).

To suit the researchers' needs best, it is necessary to find out their needs accurately. For example, it is important to find out that whether or not are researchers satisfied with the existing models of E-journals? Are publishers and readers ready to take advantages of the new online publishing opportunities? What exactly do the researchers expect from the online journals? How do they think the quality of E-journals can be improved? Once their needs are identified, the E-journals should then be developed according to those.

The major problem identified by the paper is the need of identifying the characteristics of the journals and then improving the quality of these journals, in order to facilitate the scientific researchers and publishers.


Based on the research conducted in the paper, it is concluded that it would be ultimately beneficial for the research community to improve the efficiency of E-Journals. The proposed model would help in identifying some of the major characteristics of the E-journals such as professional requirements and users' demands. As the users would e directly involved in the research process, there is high probability that the designed model would help the researchers' community, by ...
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