Outliers (The Story Of Success) By Malcolm Gladwell

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Outliers (the Story of Success) by Malcolm Gladwell


"The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather in a lack of will."Vincent T. Lombardi.

Outliers The Story of success is a nonfiction book written by Malcolm Gladwell. In this book, Gladwell highlights the factors which contribute to high level of success. Gladwell also mentions the examples of Bill Gates as how he achieved success and wealth. Throughout his publication, Gladwell at various occasions has highlighted the 10000 Hour Rule which is the key to success for any field. A task could be performed by trying it for 10000 hours. The author has highlighted his view as contrarian as to famous people attain high levels of success. Success comes to those who are hard workers and acquire skills, knowledge by influencing from others. We must have a strong belief in order to be successful. We must also think about family, friends ones upbringing and what ones parent did to earn a living. In this paper, we focus on Chapter one of the book which lays out his main thesis which states that we over stress upon personal qualities in order to be successful.

Brief Review of the book

The most prominent examples of this is those Gladwell of Canadian hockey players, football and hockey players. The Czech Republic born during the first six months of the year, and have a distinct advantage at the age of maturity, and more of their colleagues. It also explains Gladwell and his story describing a boy who turned ten on January 2. He can play side by side with someone who does not reach the age of 10 years earned a gap of twelve months in age is enormous. This also can be explained by the implications of ...
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