Osteoporosis In Men

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Osteoporosis in Men

“Prevalence of Osteoporosis in Men”

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“Prevalence of Osteoporosis in Men”


The issue of osteoporosis in men is getting attention internationally, as it has become an important public health concern; it is gaining awareness in the eyes of the public and in the literature because it is really central issues for public. From decades, women were being focused of osteoporosis for research, and majority of data has been published related to women only. But now there is considerable research data accessible emphasizing on the significant importance for the prevention and treatment of this severe disease in men. Even though, osteoporosis has been there in men for a long time (Sawka, 2007).


In men, there is a significant need for taking into consideration that fractures and osteoporosis are critical problem related to their health, vertebral and hip fractures are linked with the raised mortality and morbidity. It is an assorted clinical entity, while with the aging; bone loss has been experienced by most of the men, but most of the men experience it in comparatively young age.

Such type of fractures takes place at almost half rate in men as compare to women, however with the aging in population; the occurrence of such fractures is expected to grow remarkably in men.

After going through with the hip fracture, the probability in men to die in the coming year is twice as compare to women. Besides that as compare to women, more men lose self-determination if they endure hip fracture.

Key Words

Osteoporosis, Bones, Bone Mineral Density, Vertebral and hip fracture, aging, man, secondary osteoporosis, bone size.


Heinrich Albers-Schonberg in 1904, formerly explained Osteoporosis, which is now known as a set of situation featured by deficiency in osteoclastic function ensuing in imperfect resorption of bones. Medically, the situation which is featured by intense, sclerotic and deformed bones. Even though an alleviated density recognizable by radiography, which usually result in alleviation of predisposition for bones to fracture and issues with fracture curing (Sawka, 2007).

The word “osteoporosis” is originated form Greek, basically it is related with the diseases of bone in which the risk of fracture is relatively very high. In this diseases the normal BMD (Bone Mineral Density) is decreased, the micro-architecture of bone is declining and the rate of decline and the range of normal protein in bones is amended.

According to the WHO (World Health Organization) the bone mineral density which is having 2.5 standard deviation or more less than the mean height of bone mass as calculated by DXA.

Whereas the term “Established Osteoporosis” contains the existence of frailty fractures. The diseases of osteoporosis has been categorized as: Primary type-1, Primary type-2 and secondary. The category of Primary type-1, is very common among women after menopause, the category of Primary type-2, which is also called as Senile Osteoporosis seemed to be happened at the age of 75 with the ratio of 2:1 in both men and women. And at last the secondary category of osteoporosis can occur in any age and can influence both ...
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