Organizational Structure & Culture

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Organizational Structure and Culture

Organizational Structure and Culture


Montgomery County Correctional Facility is the only correctional facility in Maryland that nurses employed by the county. Clinical decisions and health care provided to inmates is done with the help of qualified medical staff. The objectives of the medical unit are covered with the provision of preventative, acute, chronic, and emergency care to inmates. Wardens, deputy wardens, captains, lieutenants, sergeants, corporals, and privates have the responsibility to promote a culture that supports the goals and purpose reflected in the core values of the organization (

Organizational Chart


Chain of Command

The facility structure used in the organization is done through the chain of command whereas the nursing administration is under the direction of the deputy warden. The nursing administrator is in charge of the health care services including the management of medical as well as dental programs along with the supervision of medical staff. The administrator is responsible for all levels of health care and ensures quality, accessibility, and timely services for inmates. Chain of Command is the set strategies that encompass the whole of the organization as a whole (Leslie & Nina, 2000). This is important in the jail setting because inmates do believe they are entitled to medial access and understand the use of the system in order to benefit their immediate need. However there are cases when people make up easy lies or fake heart attacks just to gain a free ride to the emergency room. On the other hand, there are times when an inmate may verbally or physically abuse staff, security would quickly show their strength in numbers and discipline that individual to maintain the jail's security. The administrator must make sure that the community health nurse has the necessary skills to assess when the inmate is telling the truth, this helps to maintain the professional status of the medical staff. Yearly with continued education, each nurse must have a total of 40 hours of tested training annually.

Functions of the Administration

The administrator provides statistical reports to the warden at least monthly that includes referrals to specialists, deaths, infectious disease monitoring, emergency services and dental services. This promotes a culture that supports responsibility and encourages communication and collaboration between medical and security is maintained. The administrator must ensure that the medical department maintains the culture and also abides to the principles (Isiah, 2007).

Institution as Outlined by the Director

The chain of command principal supports the organization's plan because it is a correctional setting and ensures clear assignment of duties and responsibilities. The chain of command define a clear line of authority, all information must go through immediate supervisors before submitted to higher levels of authority. This form of communication is a structured system of tasks necessary to provide the supervisor with a definite position authority, and to prevent a subordinate from receiving conflicting orders. All the tasks assigned to the various departments increases the efficiency of the organization on the whole. All authorities and task controlled in such a manner that the goal of the ...
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