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Organization Structure

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Organization Structure

Organizational Structure


Organizational structure determines the division of work between workers and informal channels of coordination and chain of command. Organizational structure governs relations within the institution and identifies responsibilities. Organizational structures and design patterns are the organization of a company to meet the proposed goals and achieve the desired objective. To select an appropriate structure it is necessary to understand that every company is different, and may adopt the organizational structure that best suits their needs, and priorities this means that the structure must engage and respond to planning, and it also must reflect the situation of the organization. The main purpose of the paper is to discuss the structure of an organization and impact of various factors on the determination of the structure of the organization (Miller, 2001).

Selected Organization

Container Store is an organization that belongs to the storage and organizing retail industry. The company established in 1978. They deal with the work of organization of the house. They design products such as accessories and containers that help people in organizing their house. This paper discusses the organizational structure of the Container Store.

Organizational structure of Selected Organization

The organizational structure of the Container Store is very short, decentralized, formal and mechanical. Short organizational structure means a pyramid that shows short career in the sense that the number of layers comprise of few managers.

The above chart shows the hierarchy at the Container Store. This is a very short hierarchy, and it has very few layers of managers. The organization owns by the CEO Kip Tindell, then there is the presidential layer, and then there is the level of store managers. Although in different departments, there are different managers but they are not part of the main hierarchy of the organization. With the help of this structure, the Container Store gives the responsibilities and delegating more to managers, which increases the speed of decision-making. At the same time, each director shall be responsible for a greater number of subordinates. Another characteristic of the organizational structure of the Container Store is that its structure is decentralized. This means that the authorities distributed at all levels of the organizational structure. In the Container Store, each layer of the managers has considerable powers. For example, each sales manager has a fixed budget, but controlled, as it deems appropriate. Store managers try to involve employees in different decision that they make about their branch of the store. At the end, of each day employees gathers for a round up meeting for ten minutes. In this meeting, managers take suggestions and advices regarding various decisions that they make. Another characteristic of the structure of the Container Store is that the structure of the organization is very official. This means that there are precise rules for every action. In the Container Store, there is the policy regarding each and every action whether employees need leave or they want to recommend some of their friends to be hired as employees of the ...
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