Organizational Structure

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Organizational Structure

Organizational Structure


Supervision, coordination and task allocation and all other activities that are developed to achieve the organizational objectives and aims is known as organizational structure. It may also be describe as the perspective with which the individuals analyze their environment and organizations. The companies are a variation of different group entities. The objectives of the organization define the many ways the structure of the organization can be clarified, and this in return defines the modes in which the organization functions and performs. Organizational structure is important as it allows the desire allocation of duties for various processes and functions to various entities like the departments, branch, individuals or work groups.

The organizational actions are effected by the structure of the organization in two major ways; first, the foundation, which is the basis of all the routine functions and standard operating procedures lies, is provided by the Organizational structure. Secondly, it concludes which employees are supposed to be a part of the process of decision-making and how their views effect the action's of the organizations.


The organizational structure in place may not relate with the available facts that evolve in the procedural action. Such deviation declines the efficiency when growth is taking place. Like for example the organizational structure, which is not right, may effect coordination and impacts the production and completion of assignments in the given time frame and within the resources provided. In short, Organizational structures are requiring being adaptive to the methods and functions needs, focusing to maximize the efforts and the ration of output to input. Whatever the size of an organization is, no matter what the complexities are, the responsibilities of employees are typically determined with what job they perform and who they report to and for the key people in management who reports to them (Jacobides, 2007).

Designing the Organizational Structure of the Enrollment Management Division

Keeping in view the above discussion, it is clear that the organizational structure is a reflection of the size, functions and responsibilities of the organization. With respect to the organizational structure of a particular division / department of an institution, the size and the nature of the business defines its basics and functioning.

The organizational structure of the enrollment management division of an educational institution (Boston College) will vary drastically from that of a large corporation. Ideally speaking, the staff required for the Enrollment division is of the size of 5 to ...
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