Organizational Structure

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Organizational Structure


In this study we try to explore the concept of Organizational Structure in a holistic context. The main focus of the research is on Organizational Structure and its relation with different types of organizational structure which tends to be practiced in the organization. This is done in order to develop a sound understanding of the whole idea.

Table of Contents




Line & Staff Organizational Structure4

Geographical Organizational Structure7

Hybrid structure8



Organizational Structure


The structure includes the way it is divided, grouped and coordinate activities in an organization, and relations between managers and employees, between managers and among employees. The structure comprise the form in Which the Activities Within an organization are Divided, Group and coordinates, as well as the relations Between Employees and managers, and managers Among Employees. Subsequently, the Factors that determines the number of Levels in the structure of an organization and the Characteristics of the current structure are analyzed. The organization was essentially about the human need to cooperate. The men were forced to cooperate for their own ends before his physical, biological, psychological and social. In most cases, this cooperation can be more productive if you have a suitable structure (Ford, and Randolph, 1992).

It is said that it is desirable to maintain a degree of freedom in structural organization because it encourages collaboration to accomplish tasks. However, it is obviously still capable and willing to cooperate among them work more effectively if they know your location to a task, their functions and how they relate to the latter with those of their peers to achieve a goal or outcome . Thus, the structure of the organization should be designed to be perfectly clear to all who should perform a certain task and who is responsible for certain results. This eliminates the difficulties caused by the imprecision in the allocation of responsibilities and manages communication and decision making appropriate to the objectives of the company, half of the structure served the organization to achieve its objectives effectively

Every business has necessarily an organizational structure or form of organization according to their needs (taking into account their strengths), through which to manage activities, processes and whether the operation of the company.

It is important to know what kind of organizational structures used by different companies to know why and how they work, which have advantages and disadvantages, which seek to interest each and if they fit the needs of organizations in this way, the work we developed covers the most important aspects of each of the structures of business organization, its implementation and to differentiate adequately the characteristics of each of them to be applied to the needs of businesses today. The secret to success in any field is in the organization, constant struggle to achieve the desired objective.

The competition for the production of more and better goods and services, has led organizations are concerned more and more, streamline administrative procedures, production processes and overall organizational structures. Companies realize that human labor is organized and tech base "efficiency" in their activities, regardless of the nature of ...
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