Organizational Structure

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Organizational Structure

Organizational Structure


Culture does have an enormous impact on the functioning of the culture, its structure along with the results it tends to achieve. Organization culture is interpreted as the system associated to beliefs and values which have rested in the system for a quite some time. Organizational culture also depends upon the approach its employees adopt to solve a problem or pursue their daily works. However, the fact should be kept in mind that often the organization culture depends upon the approach adopted by the higher authorities which later on have a trickledown effect (Karel & Jaap, 2000).

Therefore, the authority in charge needs to alter their approach and tries to adopt the one which is that of a leader so that the organization could as per its Mission and Values. The ability of the authorities to lead their staff also reflects on the Job Satisfaction aspect of the other employees. If the Administrators are able to lead their team well, this would automatically be translated into raising the Job Satisfaction of the employee or vice versa. Therefore, it is essentially important to understand the impact that an organizational culture can have on the success of the organization.

Role of Organizational Culture

In the context of this paper it is essential to identify the role of the culture before taking the steps to change the culture of an organization. Once the importance of the culture is underlined by an organization that organization would automatically indulge into the act of changing the organizational culture.

Many experts are inclined to define Organizational culture as the shared values, beliefs or perceptions employees tend to develop when countering a certain situation. Organizational culture effect the behavior of employees during that situation. However, it is the duty of the higher authorities to convey or make the staff understand the core elements which tends to drive mission and values of the organization. Moreover, it is also the responsibility of the staff members to correctly understand the core mission and values so that it can serve as the cause which can prevent internal conflicts. As stated in the course of this paper, that organizational culture strengthens its roots from the behavior of the higher authorities who are in charge of the organization (Higgs, 2010).

Culture is learned socially and passed on to employees by the ones preceding them; it shapes up the rules and regulations to behave in the premises of the organization. Therefore, the Organizational culture chalks out the limits to which employees can go in any situation, or how are they expected to deal different situations. However, the values of an organization lean to extract its roots from its leadership, and approach the leadership tends to adopt. The behavior adopted, by the leadership of an organization will involuntarily be injected into the other staff members. When the behavior of leadership and the behavior of the staff tend to fall in line with each other, a unified behavior starts to gain its roots. As the unified behavior starts to gain ...
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