Organizational Problem - Employment

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Organizational Problem Employment

Organizational Problem Employment

Most work places today are becoming increasingly diverse as people of different genders, races, cultures, ethnic origins, and life styles find themselves working together. As a result, the workplace is becoming increasingly multicultural. Some organizations are just now encountering the effects of a diverse workforce, while others are trying to overcome the challenges created by diversity. However, no matter where an organization is in its development, the challenge is to ensure the workforce's diversity is a source of strength, not one of conflict. Effectively managing this diversity, then, is a critical component of success for today's employer (Collins, 2005). Organizational justice embraces a realm of possibilities for effectively managing diversity. One of the sub systems of organizational justice is procedural justice. An article explains "Interpersonal communication tactics are not related directly to workers uncertainty of their career stability but to perceived procedural justice, and perceived procedural justice influenced their uncertainty" (Yamaguchi, 2005, p.168). This means the individuals were not worried about loosing their jobs because of a lack of communication or an inability to communicate with one another, but the uncertainty stemmed from perceptions of the employees. The employees saw management enforcing policies in an inconsistent manner. The employees were uncertain, because they were unsure when or how they would be reprimanded for not abiding by the company's rules. The employees felt the rules were not enforced consistently throughout the company. (Stricoff, S. 2005). How NASA is assessing & improving its culture & safety climate. In many cases, organizations are not aware of how the rules and regulations that are put into place affect the employees' view of the company. Diversity in the workplace is a good thing, but if rules and regulations within the company benefit one group over another, then this inconsistency can cause a conflict. This conflict could lower productivity and profitability for an organization, because the rules cause the employees within the organization to have conflict with one another. Americans generally favor the "equity norm" (Greenberg, 1993, p.). Distributive justice is a way of determining if an organization is treating its employees fairly in terms of hiring and firing decisions, promotions; pay raises, the amount of sick leave throughout the year as well as equality among the different workloads in the different sections. Distributive justice simply implies that an employer has the means to allocate the number of pay raises within the organization and manage the number of pay raises within the company. For example, if nine employees all apply for the three opening positions within the organization, the most qualified individuals should be awarded the position without question; this is an example of distributive justice. This type of decision is considered fair because of a person's qualifications, only as long as the culture of the organization is consistent with performance rewards. Organizational justice increases productivity, while distributive justice increases moral within an organization. When employees feel they are being treated equal within the organization the moral in the organization ...
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