Organizational Leadership

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Organizational Leadership

Organizational Leadership


The leadership is the role played by the leader who drives other members towards the achievement of the goal of the organisation. Since the company and its organizational units can be configured as social groups, the controls in charge of them play a role of formal leadership. On the other hand, as in all social groups, alongside, or even in opposition to the formal leader roles of informal leadership can emerge. When it comes to the ability of leadership, they are referred to the need that they are able to combine qualities of leadership to the informal leadership that comes from the formal position (Silzer & Dowell, 2009).

In this paper we will study Toyota Motors with respect to the effect of organisational values and cultures on leadership. Moreover, the paper will discuss the effects of legal, regulatory and ethical requirements of Toyota Motors on its leadership. In addition to that, we will also discuss the how the social concerns affect the strategic leadership of Toyota Motors and what are the differences between management and strategic leadership. Furthermore, the paper will highlight some leadership styles and their effect on strategic decision making together with the needs to opt for different styles of leadership in different situations


Company Background

Toyota Motors has global presence and the organization is pioneer to launch new products and segments cars as per the demands and needs of the target market. Toyota Motors is successful in covering major shares in the global market and the organization is ranked number one in the year 2010 with the global unit production of 8.6 million cars. The leadership of Fujio Cho provided new directions and better results to the organization. He was a participative leader, who strived to take the organization to height of success and made the organization the world's largest auto car makers.

Impact of Organisational Culture And Values on Leadership

Organisational culture is considered to be the most valuable and critical field which is significant for the continued existence of any organisation. As per the recent studies and subjective facts it has been provided that almost all the successful organisations in this global world are implementing the process and methods of strategic leadership and organisational culture (Stringham, 2012). Hence it is appropriate to state that the tools of organisational culture and strategic leadership have become key element to organisational success. For instance, the CEO of Toyota in Japan is considered to make role on basis of consensus and most of the time it triumphs the value of leadership. Harmony and peace are the core aspects of the organisational culture. Therefore, the role of leadership also relies on employee satisfaction and avoidance of individual conflicts at Toyota. It is the aim of Toyota Motors to develop a corporate culture which is the reflection of Toyota Way in all the corporate activities and tasks of employees. Thus the organization has founded a labor management and stable employment relationship on the basis of mutual responsibility and trust. The organization also looks ...
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