Organizational Leadership

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Organizational leadership

Employee-oriented outlook

It is very essential for an organization to develop an outlook that renders employee-based management to the organization, since organizations are not run by machines but by people. a highly motivated workforce delivers exceptional performance in all walks of business, and thereby, businesses largely depend upon the motivation of employees.

It is at the heart of the duties of an organization to develop a plan and implement that plan, so as to raise the graph of employee productivity and therefore employee outlook through different means. Employee motivation has to be treated as a multi-dimensional paradigm that does not merely focus the enhancement of the performance level, but also leads to the highly satisfied workforce that further inculcates high performance, loyalty to the organization and several other results beneficial for the organization (Coruse, 2005).

The term employee motivation is defined as “any action that is intended to increase the interest of the worker in the job, as well as, the satisfaction of the worker while working with the organization”. Employee motivation is a resultant of employee satisfaction, that is, a satisfied employee is a highly motivated employee, and therefore, organizations tend to create satisfied employees by studying their attitudes, perceptions, emotions, personality outlook and values; therefore, demonstrating a fulfillment of the emotional needs relating to the work or the work environment (Coruse, 2005).

Motivation, satisfaction and performance go hand in hand, that is, a motivated employee is only motivated when he is satisfied with the work he does, as well as, the way he is rewarded and compensated. Performance is a follow-up effect, since the development of a satisfying image of the company pushes the employee to perform exceptional in the course of his work, and obtain much of the reward that is further termed as 'growth'.

The plan

Employee motivation comes up when employees are satisfied with their work, as well as, the job specifications given to them. The corporate world has emerged as one of the most competitive entity, and therefore, the development of prompt plan to render high employee motivation that helps the rest two to escalate is a very sensible step. The age of competition demonstrates that the idea is to build a competitive edge that helps the organization grow without any threat from the outside, and therefore, a motivated team is the only competitive edge that could no way be copied (Walters, 2010).

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