Organizational Development

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Organizational Development

Organizational Development

Blake R. R., Mouton J. S., Barnes L. B., and Greiner L. E. (1964). Breakthrough in Organization Development, Harvard Business Review.

Suggestions are presented for the use of feedback in a team laboratory. When giving feedback, the following criteria should be met to maximize its usefulness:

An intent of helpfulness should be present

It should be given directly and with real feeling in an atmosphere of mutual trust

Descriptive information is preferable over evaluative feedback

It should be specific and supported by clear and recent examples

It should be given when the receiver is ready to accept it

It should be checked with others to ensure its validity

It should include only things over which the receiver has some power to change

It should be limited by what the person receiving the feedback can handle at any given time

When receiving feedback one should

Try not to be defensive

Try to help find relevant examples to clarify the point

Be sure he understands by summarizing what has been said

Explore feelings about the feedback

Reserve the right to evaluate and act upon the feedback

House, J. Robert. (2004). Culture, Leadership; and Organization, Sage Publications.

According to the article, the following values of formal organizations lead to decreased organizational effectiveness. The author notes that increasing interpersonal competence is a necessary but not sufficient step in increasing organizational effectiveness. Values also must be altered to support changes in organizational, technological and interpersonal factors. The topics discussed in the article are formal organization, interpersonal competence, organizational effectiveness and values.

Organizational values ??and personal values ??direct impact on the performance of leadership behavior in educational organizations. The conflict between personal values ??and organizational values ??lead to a conflict of values ??and regulatory framework which reduces productivity and leads to lower job satisfaction for workers. The shared values ??between the organization and the individuals are considered an essential source of the effectiveness of the individual and the organization alike.

According to the author, organizational values ??can be defined as the set of values ??that reflect the internal characteristics of the organization, which reflect the philosophy and provides an outline to guide organizational behavior and decision-making. The organizational values ??in this study those values ??that govern the work and determine the level of performance which is (Quality, competition, justice, growth and development, and efficiency and power unit).

Walter, A. Gordon. (1984). Organizational Development and Individual Rights, Journal of Applied Behavioral Science.

A rationale is presented for the use of t-groups as a means of improving organizational effectiveness. Basically, this method provides a supportive situation in which one is able to experience the ineffectiveness of old values and increase his abilities to use new values. The method is seen as especially effective because the method of teaching is congruent with the values being taught. According to the author, a change cannot really be effective and permanent until the new values are accepted throughout the organization. In addition, he notes that the results of laboratory education are individualistic. They are a result of a particular individual in a particular ...
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