Organization Development (OD) can be defined as a planned and sustainable long-term effort to improve the ability of an organization to achieve its goal of self-identification in an atmosphere that promotes growth and well-being of its individual members (Dalton, 2006). This paper, in particular the target of law enforcement agencies (LEAs), and highlights modern practices in these organizations. Organizations that have been successful in achieving both of these elements of thought as "healthy institutions." Organizational consultation is a process through which one or more experts to assist the efforts of organizations to achieve a healthy state.
Micro and Macro Relationships between Individual Development and Organizational Development
Organization development is related to the organization of various types, including companies, schools, professional associations and public institutions. Although OD is often focused on the objectives of the organization, it can also be used to address the effectiveness of the main divisions within the organization, such as LEAs (Harvey, 2007).
Today, law enforcement organizations are engaged in new organizational practices that focus on empowerment, teamwork, management and participation. The experts agree that implementation of these structures in the law enforcement environment is a challenging task. Like many other American organizations, law enforcement officials are still mainly uses the old model of bureaucratic structures, with power centered at the top, as a result of the modest efforts. As a savvy implementing organizational change remains a major problem for law enforcement agencies (
Six-Phase Model for Organizational Development
A variety of models exist regarding the methods of achieving improvements in the organization. The six phase model of Organizational Development (OD) is a model for the planned, systematic, as well as current issues and action-oriented process aimed at both technical and human improvement in the organization.
The importance of structure for organizational behavior has been a central topic in the study of organizations throughout the history of this academic field. Questions such as how a given structure may constrain and enable instrumental rational action in and by organizations, and how it is possible to affect actual organizational behavior indirectly by structural design, have been discussed for a long time and remain highly relevant. According to the structural-instrumental perspective, organizations are regarded as tools for achieving certain goals. From this perspective, it is assumed that organizations and their members act with instrumental rationality in carrying out tasks and that the organizational structure is designed in accordance with means-ends ...