Organizational Culture And Performance

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Organizational Culture and Performance

Organizational Culture and Performance

It is the set of habits, beliefs, values ??and traditions, social interactions and relationships typical of each organization. Represents the way we are accustomed to doing things. Similarly, every organization has its own. "Organizational culture" is the way of life that each organization develops itself in its members. The organizational culture is not static, but undergoes changes with the passage of time, depending on the internal and external conditions. Some organizations manage to constantly renew its culture while maintaining their integrity and personality, while others remain with their culture patterns tied to outdated and outmoded (Beer, Nohria, 2000).

Organizational climate emphasizes on the fact, which constitutes the internal environment of an organization and its particular psychological atmosphere. The organizational climate is closely linked to morality and to the satisfaction of human needs of its members. The weather can be healthy or unhealthy, warm or cold, negative or positive, satisfactory or unsatisfactory, depending on how participants feel about the organization. Some individuals are more or less sensitive than others regarding the aspects of climate, plus a feature that seems to be positive for a member of an organization can be perceived as negative or unsatisfactory for others (Beer, Nohria, 2000).

Each organization is a complex human system, with its own characteristics, its own culture and its own organizational climate (Brown, 1998). The whole set of variables must be continuously observed, analyzed and tuned for optimum productivity and motivation. To enable the organization to change the culture and organizational climate, you need innovative capacity, represented in the following characteristics:

a) Adaptability, ie the ability to solve problems and respond flexibly to changing demands and unstable environment.

To adapt, the organization must:

• Be flexible to integrate new activities

• Be responsive and transparent to new ideas, come from inside or ...
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