Organizational Culture And Employee Behavior

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Organizational Culture and Employee Behavior


This report discusses the five variables in the organizational behavior that affects the behavior of an employee in a negative or a positive way. The positive factor includes, high performance culture, good compensation policy and employee empowerment, the factors help the organization improve upon the performance of their employees. The negative factors include micromanagement.


This paper is discussing the four factors in the culture of an organization, which affects the performance of an employee in one way or the other. The organizational culture is the biggest factor that affects the performance of the employees, because the environment of a place can have a huge impact on the working of an employee because it is in the nature of every human being that he will respond to the environment in which he is doing some work. This report is discussing the organizational culture factors that affect the performance of an employee.

Practice of Micromanaging

Micromanagement is a management practice exercised by some managers; this type of management involves managing excessive control over the behavior and things of the subordinates. If micromanagement is a part of the organizational culture, then the manager has the habit of giving too much attention to the minor details about everything, like the managers asking their subordinates to present the details about daily working in office, etc. Micromanagement is an attempt to bully the employee by the manager. This does not allow managers to follow the larger details, which can have a greater effect on the performance of the employee productivity. This could result in lower employee morale because the employees would feel that they do not have the capability to perform well and deliver the goods, otherwise their manager would never have been managing them in this way. (Jody 2010

Rewarding high performance

Organizational culture describes the values and beliefs of the objectives that are need to be followed by the employees of an organization, it has all the suitable principles of behavior that the employees of a company have to follow to achieve their organizational goals. These values then help the employees construct the norms, strategies, values, and prospects for proper actions from the employees in a scenario, in addition, to controlling the behavior of employees with each other. To make changes in the culture of an organization, which is perceived as very difficult, the areas that need to be focused on are, putting an employee's ...
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