Organizational Change

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Organizational Change

Organizational Change


Organizational change is moving towards the ideal state of the organization. It is very significant for an organization to change according to changes in the environment to optimize the performance. Environment is always in the ever-changing state due to many reasons. An effective organization is the one which can adjust and adapt the changing environment with strategies that can be implemented effectively.

Organizational change process is defined as continuously renewing the direction, capabilities and structure of an organization to satisfy the internal and external needs of the customers (Yang, R. S., Zhuo, X. Z., & Yu, H. Y. 2009).


Need for an Organizational Change

Since the rate of change is greater than it was ever before, organizations need to be efficient in mastering the strategies for managing change. The market place is changing overnight. The structures and alliances of the organizations are changing rapidly. Everything that belongs to the organization is open to scrutiny. All these assumptions increase the risk of failure and tension within the work force. Therefore, continuous attention is needed to improve the performance of the organization.

There are a lot of factors that influence the organization including internal and external factors. These environmental changes affect the internal managerial effectiveness. The reasons for which the organization has to undergo the change process includes culture, vision, strategy, structure, system technology, and leadership style (Yang, Zhuo, & Yu, 2009). The process of change in the organization affects the vision and strategies because they are the firm's long term plans and core values that need to be adaptive to the environmental changes.

The culture needs to change because of the changing behaviors and attitudes of the workforce and the customers. The explicit culture is easier to manage rather than implicit culture.

The system includes methods of performance management, reward systems, goal budget system ...
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