Organizational Change

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Organizational Change

Organizational Change


In the present world change has become very important. Those who change can only survive and those who do not change face severe consequences. Change is needed for everyone, it is essential for an individual, a team or an organization. Due to the globalization and advent of technology things are constantly changing with rapid speed. Our way of living and many other things have changed rapidly over the last few decades. Our infrastructure has improved over the years; the communication network has also further strengthened. Due to the globalization the pace of change has increased to greater e tent. Technology has changed the shape of our world. What we have today we could not have even imagined it a decade before. It is very important that in order to move with the world we have to change because if we don't change ourselves then we would be lagged behind in this fast moving world.

Most of the organizations have recognized this phenomenon and continuously adopt the new processes and methods. Today only those organizations and firms can remain alive which continuously adapt to change. Social media has also played an important role in bringing the change. Most of the companies now are using the social media to promote their goods and services. The management of change in the contemporary business world has become very tough task. Though no company can deny the importance of bringing the change but at the same time they will too admit that there has been strong resistance to change. The organizations need to properly plan and implement the change management techniques to ensure that they are not challenged at any level.

Moreover, the organization must also take into consideration that the change cannot be implemented without the cooperation and support of the employees. The resistance to change should be managed at all levels. Resistance to change is likely to occur, because people never like new methods and techniques and they resist change. But the resistance to change can be reduced by the effective planning and implementing the strategies of change. Due to technological changes most of the laboring classes lost their jobs. Today most of the organizations have understood the importance of the change; they are continuously trying to adopt new methods and ways to improve their products and services. They have also employed new ways to satisfy their customers


It is very important that before understanding the concept of the change management at the organizational level, we must first discuss the concept of the organization briefly. An Organization can be defined as a consciously coordinated social entity, which functions on a relatively continuous basis, with a relatively identifiable boundary to achieve a common goal or a set of goals. We can here also discuss some of the major viewpoints regarding the definition of the organization. Organizations can also be defined as rational entities which try to pursue certain goals, all the members of the organization work towards achieving these ...
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