Organizational Behaviour

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Organizational Behaviour

Organizational Behaviour


This paper intends to highlight several important aspects of organizational behavior. The organizational efficiency and organizational effectiveness is thoroughly dependent over the manner in which the organizations tend to behave. It remains extremely important to understand the significance of organizational culture, behavior, leadership and underlying factors behind the motivation of the employees to work efficiently for the organization. This paper will analyze different leadership theories and will also evaluate the impact of different managerial styles over the organizational effectiveness. Different organizational structures will also be discussed in this paper. Lastly, different approaches to organizational decision making will be assessed along with the different risks and uncertainty prevailing in the decision making process. The purpose of this paper is to make the readers aware about the significance of organizational behavior and its other underlying factors.

Leadership Theories

There are different leadership theories which can be essentially implied for the purpose of making the organizational culture extremely efficient. Trait theories, contingency theories, situational theories, behavioral theories, participative theories and management theories are a few ones to name. I believe all the relevant leadership theories are important for the organizations to understand in order to decide what kind of leadership styles suits best to their business type. The analysis of different leadership theories makes me able to suggest that the trait theory and the participative theory remains the best for the purpose of making any business an underlying success (Giancola, 2011 Pp. 23-29).

Managerial Styles and Organizational Effectiveness

There is a significant impact of managerial styles over the organizational effectiveness. The underlying organizational effectiveness is derived from the extent to which the management is effective. The management plays an extremely important role in the success and failure of every organization. Therefore, having effective management and competent managers in place is extremely important for any business to witness long term success. For instance, an organization can achieve short term success with incompetent management maybe due to its product offerings. However, over the long run; such businesses tend to fail due to lack of effective management in place (Wemer & DeSimone, 2008 Pp. 47-50).

Motivational Theories

Motivational theories are important to understand and deploy in order to keep the employees motivated to work for the benefit of the organization. There are different motivational theories like Hierarchy of Needs and Two Factor Theory which provides in depth analysis of what factors are important to keep the employees motivated to work for the organization willingly. Therefore; I believe the motivational theories must be understood by the management to keep the employees motivated and also to reduce the employee turnover. Personal satisfaction, compensation, growth and development remains the basic factors which are important to keep the employees motivated (Ciotta, 2011 Pp. 25-28).

Work Relationship Theories

Work relationship and interaction remains another important aspect of the organizational behavior. In today's business environment; everyone tends to perform in teams. Organizational goals, team goals and individual goals are usually defined for the purpose of achieving success in the ...
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