Organizational Behaviour

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Organizational Behaviour - Google

Organizational Behaviour - Google

Part 1


The company which is chosen for analyzing organizational culture Is Google Inc. With a collection of various services which Google has to offer to its customers one of the widely used services is Google search engine. Google is world's number one search engine and most accessed website. Google has mission to gather and organize world's information for universal use and access. Their aim is to provide top notch services to its client as they believe that if user will be happy everything else will follow them. In their task to give top notch services to its clients Google has created one of the best organizational cultures in its offices. Daily thousands of people apply at Google Inc for job. What is the secret behind such a huge employment response? When this question was investigated it was found that Google Inc has the best organizational environment with best culture that is provided to employees throughout the world. Almost all the needs of employees are cater but this employer (Our culture, 2012, n.d.).

In the quest of bringing together the most talented, smart and diversified people at their office Google provide not only job and career to the people but Google has provided their employees a complete lifestyle which no other organization is giving to its employees. Google Inc is famous for its diversified, informal and familial culture. They have provided their employees with all the facilities which a person gets at his or her home. This makes Google the best employer. The philosophy of Google is depicted by its environment and ambiance. They believe that a person can become serious even it he or she is not wearing formal attire. This is also proved by their behaviour. People at Google are committed to their work as they think that it is not necessary that a person should seriously tackle a challenge, it fun is added to the challenge it becomes more interesting (Google's corporate culture, 2009, n.d.).

Culture of Google

Google has provided playing, dining, recreational, resting and other facilities at all of their offices. The buildings and offices of Google have state of art design which make the working environment more attracting and also depicts their diversified culture. Google uses techniques of innovation through innovation time off. These methods have produced many top class products for Google like Gmail, Google News, Google AdSense & Orkut. In this time off the engineers at Google spend 20% of their time on projects of their own interest. The headquarters of Google is situated at Mountain View, California. It is a state of art building which have many things to attract. It includes a piano decorated lobby which has old server clusters and lava lamps. It also has a wall with the projection of search queries on it. In the hallways of headquarters there are lots of balls and bicycle. To provide better facilities to their employees Google has given access of corporate recreation to all of its employees (Towers, ...
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