Organizational Behaviour

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Organizational Behaviour

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Table Of Content

Organizational Structure3

Organizational Culture4


Desk research6

Field research6

Organizational Structures and Culture7

Structure and Culture at Barclay's Bank7

Structure and Culture at Unilever8

Structure and Culture at Apple's Inc9

Affect of organization's structure and culture10

External and internal factors that affect individual's behaviour at work10

Internal Factors10


Corporate Culture and Corporate Structure11

External Factors11

Family life11

Business Relationship11

Group Formation12

Factors Promoting Teamwork13

Factors Inhibiting Teamwork Success13

Change at Barclay's13




Organizational Behaviour

Organizational Structure

Organizational structure determines the division of work between workers and informal channels of coordination and chain of command. Organizational structure governs relations within the institution and identifies responsibilities. Organizational structures and design patterns are actually the organization of a company to meet the proposed goals and achieve the desired objective. To select an appropriate structure it is necessary to understand that every company is different, and may adopt the organizational structure that best suits their needs and priorities this means that the structure must engage and respond to planning and it also must reflect the situation of the organization. The main purpose of the paper is to discuss structure of an organization and impact of various factors on determination of the structure of the organization.

Organizational structure refers to the formal and informal manner in which people, job tasks, and other organizational resources configure and coordinate. Although, organizational structure sounds like a singular characteristic, it composes of a number of dimensions, because there are multiple ways the employees within an organization and the job tasks that are carried out can be structured. The most commonly studied aspects of the organizational structure include formalization, centralization, and complexity (Miller, 2007, pp. 77).

For instance taking an example of Wal-Mart Stores, it has a divisional structure such as Wal-Mart Realty, Wal-Mart International, Wal-Mart Specialty Stores, Sam's. This structure develops through separate, semi-autonomous units or divisions. Furthermore, an organization may have various divisions and every division develops its own objectives. It is the responsibility of the manager to look after his division and for the performance of that division. Therefore, managers try to focus on productivity as they know that they are responsible.

Organizational Culture

The trends that guide the development of the contemporary world determine changes, i.e. changing attitudes in companies, such as globalization of the economy, environmental awareness, accelerating privatization, strategic alliances, and technological advancement, make up an unavoidable set of conditions that affect organizations. The strategy that best interprets the responses to the demands of this complex and changing environment is summarized in competitiveness. The organizational culture is conceived as a factor that influences individual behaviour and collective concerns the values, norms and beliefs shared by individuals within an organization, creating the environment in which they perform their work. It affects everything that happens within a company, you can recognize from what they say, do and think people, it consolidates the transmission of knowledge, beliefs, learning and behaviour, demonstrating internal changes that tend to be stable over time. The employee of any organization agrees to provide to a particular job knowledge, skills, abilities, skills, and values ??and, in turn, wait, not only financial rewards, but ...
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