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Organizational Behavior & Leadership

Organizational Behavior & Leadership

Performance Evaluation: Points of Concerns with the Company's Current Evaluation Form

Three major issues of concern have been found with the given scenario of the company. This is evident by the reality that the plant manager focused the evaluation mainly on quality characteristics in the procedure that excluded other imperative traits illustrated by the engineer. The foremost major issue of concern is the truth that he founded the performance evaluation on the relationship of engineer with coworkers; through founding his assessment on interpersonal skills, the plant manager is unsuccessful to design the complete procedure believable. The second issue of concern is tidiness of engineer's place of work; it is fundamentally inappropriate to assess an employee's performance on how well the employee organized in the workplace or office. The third concern is that the plant manager examined the engineer's attitude towards coworkers and his lack of attention during meetings regarding the company's official affairs and operations. These issues of concern demonstrate that the current evaluation form of the organization is entailing lack of inclusiveness and professionalism as it is greatly prejudiced towards the engineer's personal characteristics (Hughes, 2008).

Most Commonly-Used Sets of Criteria

The most commonly used sets of criteria, which must be, evaluated in a performance evaluation entails characteristics like, job skills of an individual; this may include factors like, the quantity of output, technical capabilities to operate machinery, quality of work, the sales returns, and the like. One more set of criteria that must be evaluated in the engineer's performance evaluation is the conduct; this will include factors like, ability to meet deadlines, productivity of the employee, assisting other coworkers develop proficiency, time and stress management and most prominently decision making (Guerra-López, 2012). The performance evaluation must entail evaluation of the engineer's capability to handle problems and how he solves them when they emerge. It should also focus on personal characteristics of engineer with imperative consideration to attendance, integrity, levels of confidence, attendance of meetings, and the capability of being innovative and initiative.

Comparison of the Relative Value of the Commonly-Used Sets of Criteria

The comparative value of the aforesaid sets of criteria for performance evaluation is relatively different. The most general significance developed from the approach is that it greatly facilitates in the process of decision making. Human Resource department (HRD) in any organization can simply utilize this approach to formulate decisions about probations, promotions, transfers, and demotion between several others. This assessment criterion also appears extremely useful when the organization is in need of classifying the training and development abilities needed, starting an initiative for gratifying value of increase in salaries, and also facilitating the structure of management to get hold of innovative information or ideas from staff. This approach is also greatly important as it facilitates the organization to classify the main weak points or disadvantages in newly inducted personnel (Guerra-López, 2012).

A Comparison of the Criteria

Since it is manifestly evident from the case scenario that there are many benefits of being assessed by the peers, thus, one benefit is that they ...
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