Organizational Behavior

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Organizational Behavior

Organizational Behavior

Introduction to paper 1

In this section, the researcher will evaluate motivational and reward aspect of work. The researcher will analyze these aspects on a practical job experience of his friend working as a sales associate in UK based Telecom Company.

Motivation is what makes a man work eight hours a day and then come back the very next day to do the same. Motivation is the energy that keeps the employees in an organization committed to their jobs and involve in productive activities, (Lawler, 1973). Motivation drives employees into achieving their goals or targets. Without any motivation, work is boring. A lot is said and researched in regard to motivation. Motivation is called as an inner drive that makes one behave or act in a particular manner, (Schatar, 2001). A certain category of theories pertaining to why people do what they do, tend to lower numerous elements down to just one, for explaining all sorts of behaviors, (Stretton et al, 1994).

In our paper, we will be discussing the Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory and McClelland's theory of need. We will be discussing that what stage the employee was at. We will also be discussing the job characteristics model and suggesting ways of making the job more motivating.

Need Analysis

Maslow Hierarchy Needs and McClelland's theory of needs

Maslow's need theory is one of the most widely used and recognized theories in the business world today. Maslow was of the opinion that there are five stages of need that an individual goes through in his life. Businesses all over the world use this important tool for assessing their employees.

The five needs of an individual according to his need hierarchy are as under;

Self-Actualization needs

Esteem needs

Social needs

Safety needs

Physiological needs

According to his theory, physiological needs are the basic needs of a man, which include food and shelter. Safety need is the sense of security, which can be for both, life or job. Social need is the need for socialization. Esteem need is the need that fulfills a man ego. Self actualization need is a need that makes a man feels that all his desires are being fulfilled. Right now the employee is at the third stage of the hierarchy, the social need.

McClelland's theory of needs suggest that an individual has three needs. The need for achievement, the need for an affiliation and the need for power. These needs influence the employee motivation. According to the situation that the employee was at, it is clear that he had a strong desire for socializing. Therefore, according to this theory, the employee had a desire for affiliation.

The employee can be made to participate in discussions and work in teams. This way he will get recognition and make friends at the work place, thus he will be socializing. In my opinion, if the employee is given opportunities to socialize among the group members.

Job design

In organizations, job design refers to the application of those principles that pertain to the humanization of ...
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