Organizational Behavior

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Organizational Behavior

Organizational Behavior


In the last decade there has been an intense debate around the concept of 'learning organizational with the significance of different perspectives. It is noted that the learning processes as a real engine of growth and development of organizations and investigates how these processes can be activated and facilitated (Alam & Dost, 2011, pp. 210-221).

Organizational learning to be realized is based on the interaction and sharing of knowledge of the individuals who, in turn, must start learning processes at the individual level in order to enrich and contribute to the collective confrontation (Carpino, 2012). If individual learning is a necessary condition for the start of the learning process organization, it justifies a renewed attention to the activities that the human resources department plays, since that, institutionally, is in charge of their development and their growth (Akrivou, 2006). In general growth of the competition, which increasingly relies on expertise and knowledge, and in the contemporary need for a careful and rational use of economic resources always more scarce, are asking the Human Resources

Department two fundamental issues:

Be the promoter of effective organizational actions aimed at developing the skills and organizational knowledge;

Use resources efficiently, demonstrating the effectiveness of the actions undertaken in terms of development and growth of the organization;

It always records a widespread cultural and managerial development is lagging behind compared to the rest organization and the needs it expresses. These challenges are even more critical for Italian companies which were affected further delay: only in the last decade, management is no longer involved only the activities of management staff of administrative - accounting, but increasingly widens its activities to organizational development and human resources, emphasizing the importance economic and connecting them with strategic planning and budget "(Behling & Schriesheim, 1976). In the U.S., in 1967, with the first and pioneering edition of "Training and Development Handbook," authors have discussed of adult learning, the design of educational interventions, the evaluation of results, of training methods and operational for use.

How management can respond to these challenges, it remains an interesting arena for discussion by scholars and operators. What is suggested here is the recognition of the complementarily of the two dimensions: effectiveness and performance measurement, as a prerequisite to the activation of a process of learning within organization that allows this function to develop the skills necessary to act as a driving force for the development of the entire organization (Steers, 1991).


Human Perspective

The human element in a company social health and particularly in the department of dependencies is crucial for the proper functioning of the organization and the generation of offers quality care. The vision of the organization only through processes, resources, rules and protocols and all that is part of the structural component, it is surely simplistic and belonging to a past he thought erroneously it was enough to optimize procedures and act on the technical company for to ensure a quality product. The vision of the organization has definitely some good points but ...
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