Organizational Behavior

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Organizational Behavior

Organizational Behavior

Q 1. Explain the meaning of any two of the following competencies and why they are important.

Cross cultures competency

The cross-cultural competency pertains to the skills, knowledge, and motivation/affect that enable the people to adjust in the cross-cultural environments in an effective manner. It is elaborated as the capability of an individual which plays a significant part in intercultural effectiveness irrespective of specific cultural interactions intersection of cultures..

Ethics competency

The concept of ethical competency integrates three components of competence. It involves the incorporation of an individual's personal competence, while moving through social competence, it completes at the global competence. It can be said that the ethical competence is the learned capability of an individual which relies upon the ethical intelligence the outcome if which includes a harmonious, smooth and peaceful relationships of employees, people or individuals at every level of the organziation, community or society.

Q 2. Explain the meaning any two of the following terms and why they are important.


Self-awareness refers to the ability of introspection and the determination and capacity to reconcile the personality of oneself as an individual distinct from other individuals and the environment. The theory of self-awareness mentions that, when the individual focuses his/her attention on himself/herself, he/she is able to compare and assess their internal values and standards. The individuals become self-conscious and objective evaluators of themselves.


Self-esteem is a concept that is generally utilized in for providing a reflection of the general emotional assessment of a person to know her or his own worth and value. It basically refers to the judgment of oneself an attitude toward the self. The concept entails the motto of self-worth and includes such emotions as despair, triumph, despair, shame and pride. Thus, it is the positive or negative self-assessment of one's own self.

Q 3. Your text lists the following perceptual errors: Accuracy of Judgment; Perceptual Defense; Stereotyping; Halo Effect. Explain what each any two of these mean.

Accuracy of judgment is one of the major and commonly occurring perceptual errors. It includes the similarity error which maintains erroneously making assumption that people who are similar to each other in beliefs, background or other aspects, will also behave the same as their counterparts. Contrast error refers to competing people with one another instead of making the absolute standard a benchmark. It also includes biasness towards a specific gender, age, race, etc.

A halo error or halo effect is a cognitive bias which maintains that an individual's judgment about the character of a person may be influenced by the general impression of that person. It is a commonly occurring error of bias when conducting a performance appraisal. The supervisors assess the employees on the basis of a single characteristic, for instance diligence.

4 -Explain the meaning any two of the following terms and why they are important.


The concept of empowerment pertains to the increase in the political, spiritual, educational, social, economic, or gender strength of communities and individuals. In an organziation, the managers empower their employees or leaders empower their followers ...
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