Organizational Analysis At Creative Colors

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Organizational Analysis at Creative Colors

Organizational Analysis at Creative Colors

Analyzing Organizational Hierarchy

Once a company had decided that layoffs are necessary, then it is necessary to figure out which positions are needed to be eliminated. The decision to eliminate managerial positions from an organization structure is not an easy task. In order to make recommendations about which managerial positions to cut, I would analyze the organizational hierarchy in following ways

Considering Legal Implications

While deciding for the managerial positions to cut, analyze the organizational hierarchy by considering the legal implications of laying off an employee. Some employees at managerial positions might have legal reasons for which they cannot be laid off or they need some extra warning before laying off. Such employees could consist of minorities, pregnant females etc.

Considering Employees Skills

In analyzing the organizational hierarchy for making layoff decision, consideration would be given to the skills set of employees. The managerial positions where employees with unique skills are present will generally be not considered in layoff decision. Whereas, the managerial positions that have skills that are duplicated by many other employees of similar position will be considered as a priority in making layoff decision.

Considering Employees usefulness

While going through the organizational hierarchy, the employees of managerial position who are being over paid in relation to the amount of their contribution will become a priority for creative colors while making a layoff decision. Employees at other managerial positions who are talented and are playing their justifying role in the company would not become a part of layoff decision of creative colors.

Considering Seniority

While considering different managerial positions in the hierarchy of creative colors, the employees at managerial positions who are newly hired and who have contributed least to the company would be considered while making layoff decision.

Analysis of Organizational Design Principles

The organizational design principles that I will consider in making layoff decision would include

Considering the Future of Company

The main consideration in organization design principles of creative colors will be given to the future projects of the company. Is the employee that Creative Colors is laying off will be a key player in its future projects or not? Answering this key question will play an essential role in defining the criteria for employee layoff.

Figuring out Departments to Cut

In analyzing the organizational design principles, it is important to decide on which managerial positions need to be layoff from the department. For example, Creative Colors is focusing its effort on expanding online sales while building its retail sales operation, so it can decide on cutting managerial positions from the direct sales department.

Reviewing Company Policy

In analyzing the organizational design principles, it is essential to review the Creative Colors policy regarding the specific employment rules and how it conducts a layoff. Creative Colors need to follow these rules while cutting off the managerial positions.

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