Organization Faces Challenges

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Organization Faces Challenges

Organization Faces challenges


Challenges make difficult to achieved target and goal for any organization. There are many challenges, which are faces by the organization and create many problems for an organization. Competition is very tough in the market, and because now you have to compete with companies around the world, being the only market that defines the level of competitiveness of products produced by companies. Due to globalization social environment has changed, and competitor introduced innovation. Management has also challenges such as diversified culture in an organization and communication gap (Draft, 2011).


Today organization faces many challenges and may create problems for an organization. These challenges are barrier for company's profit.


The competition is getting harder because now you have to compete with companies around the world, being the only market that defines the level of competitiveness of products produced by companies. Innovation capacity increases rapidly, supported by technological development, which becomes a key factor for competitiveness of enterprises and the development of society. Those who invest more and better in this area are more likely to increase their market share. This demand for innovation has shifted the entire organizational process and productive also affecting small and medium enterprises (Griffin, 2011).

Social environment

The other aspect to highlight is the social environment in which they develop social economy enterprises. The results of globalization, such as running, show that the unfair distribution of wealth has increased and that social differences have increased considerably (Linda, 2006).


Technology is the serious dilemma for organization growth. Technology advancement has more improved today as compare to past. The execution of advance technology is costly, but most companies are adapting due to competition and innovation in market (Draft, 2011).

Intercultural Communication and diversification Challenge

Intercultural communication challenge is a big challenge in now days because this era is the era of globalization. People work in an organization that has different background and culture so it is difficult to communicate. Communication is important for success of any organization. Most nations are tied to an international system of economic interdependence, and most nations have at least one asset within their borders that is needed by another country. No nation is absolutely self-sufficient. Markets and cultures continued to converge, and major enterprise has seized the opportunity to go global. There is diversification in organization due to globalization. Management face barrier for managed diversify environment (, 2012).

A Theoretical look at the problems of organizational behavior

Organizational behavior define as it is the science that studies the behavior of people (individuals and groups) in organizations with a view to practical use the knowledge gained to improve the work of man(Linda, 2006).

It is believed that management is characterized by three main dimensions: technical, conceptual and human. The technical and conceptual skills include measurement of a manager in the field of computers, accounting, engineering or marketing. Many managers tend to ignore the human factor. They believe that their subordinates are lazy, are interested mainly in money, and if you make them happy, they will work more ...
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