Organization Behavior

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Organization behavior

Organizational behavior


ABC is a medium sized manufacturing company known for producing, installing and recording the reading of gas meters. Since its incorporation, company has able to accomplish comprehensive growth and created a niche for itself in national market, however, recently management of the company is facing certain issues in motivating employees to adopting necessity change which would have a positive impact on overall performance of the company(Glen, 2006). As a CEO of my company is my primary responsibility to draft an appropriate strategy to motivate employees and overcome other important issues that has a negative impact on the performance of the company.

Ways for motivating employees

In view of the fact that majority of employee in my organization are very experienced and working since the time company was incorporated. Meanwhile, it is also a fact the with continuously changing business environment it has become imperative for us to adopt to new technologies, and enhance our professional skills as it is the only way through which we can compete against our competitors in the long run(Grant et al, 2007). In order to motivate existing employees and encourage them to take active part in organizational development I have device a formidable strategy that comprises of following elements

Since employees are old, so loyalty and professionalism is not an issues, the problem is that they are not willing to adopt to change. In this, circumstances I have firstly arrange a conference session with all the existing employees of the company in which management would share its plans with employees in detail and would ask for their valuable advice. Secondly, this conference session would prove too effective in realizing employees that are an important part of organization and management would not take any action would out their support.

Management is aware of the fact that most of the employees are old and nearing their retirement period, thus would not be able to handle the pressure of excessive training. For relief of employees management has decided to schedule its training programs in one of the lucrative hotel of the country on Saturday and Sunday at 5.00 pm to 10 pm evening(Parish et al ,2008). The training programs would be divided into two parts, in first parts employees would be given in-depth awareness about new technologies and in second part, practical training would be provided. Furthermore, the management of the company has decided to not only raise the ...
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