Organization And Behavior

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Organization and Behavior

Organization and Behavior


The main purpose of this paper is to analyze the different aspects of organizational behavior. The paper discusses the role of organizational behavior and the different aspects. Organizational behavior is the analyses of the behaviors of individuals and resources in the organization. Organizational behavior is mainly related to the understanding of the behavior of organizational aspects. The organizational culture, leadership and management are all the different aspects of organizational behavior which are to be discussed in this paper.

Relationship between Organizational Structure & Culture

Explanation of the Organizational Structure and Culture

Flat Organizational Structure: Flat organizational structure is one with the wider span of control. This can be categorized as the organizational structure with the fewer levels of management. It can be said that the number of managers is very limited in the flat organizational structure. This is the organizational structure in which the management eliminates the middle level management and restricts their functions. In this management structure, the main role is performed by the top level management.

Tall Organizational Structure: Tall organizational structure is one in which there are different levels of middle management. A company with many hierarchy levels is considered to be the tall organizational structure. The organizations with tall organizational structure are ones with many managers and each manager has the small level of control on the managerial functions. As compared to other organizational structures, tall organizational structure is considered to be a complicated and compel procedure.

Hierarchical Organizational Structure: An organization is said to be in hierarchical structure when it follows the layout of a pyramid. In the hierarchical organizational structure, every employee is a subordinated to another employee of the firm except the CEO of the organization. The layout of the hierarchical organizational structure is mainly based on the multiple entities which is mainly based on the staff level of employees (Bakke, 2005, p. 12).

Power Culture: Power culture is one which is mainly based on the central power. The power culture is mostly found in the Entrepreneurial companies because the entrepreneur who is the lead of the organization rules the whole functions of the company.

Role Culture: In the role culture, each department is assigned the basic roles and is considered to be an important pillar. The role culture is based on the strong pillars. In the role culture, the roles on the basis of job descriptions and procedures are established which controls the overall organization.

Task Culture: The task culture in the organizations is mainly based on assigning the different tasks in the organization. This culture is mainly based on hiring the right person for the organization and assigning the important tasks to them for controlling the organization.

1.2) Ways through which Organizational Structure and Culture can Impact on the Performance of a Business

There is a very key role of organizational structure and culture on the performance of the business. The effective organizational culture and structure is very helpful in motivating the employees for enhancing their ...
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