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Organizations And Behavior

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Understanding the Ways of Using Motivational Theories in Organizations

Understanding the Ways of Using Motivational Theories in Organizations


In today's competitive world, organizations need to grow and increase their profit for which they not only need to understand and fulfill the requirements of their customers but also need to know the social and psychological behavior of people working in the organization. Organizations are composed of individuals and groups interacting and communicating with each other. Understanding their behavior helps to increase the growth of organization and increase the efficiency of the people which leads them to achieve their goals. Work motivation is a set of energetic forces that initiate work related behavior to determine its form, intensity and duration (Pinder, 1998, pp.11). Organizations use different kinds of motivational tactics both intrinsic and extrinsic to stimulate and boost their working abilities.


Ways of Using Motivational Theories in Organizations

It is the duty of an organization to enhance the work ability of their employees. According to Baron et al., (2008), "Although motivation is a broad and complex concept, organizational scientists have agreed on its basic characteristics. Drawing from various social sciences, we define motivation as the set of processes that arouse, direct, and maintain human behavior toward attaining some goal” (pp.11).  The ways by which organizations put these theories to practical use are extracted from the basic motivational theories. “Employee motivation is perhaps the ultimate management challenge” (Arnold & Krapels, 1996. p.9).

Impact of Leadership Styles on Motivation During Change

Leadership demands more than managerial skills. Leaders need to adjust their styles according to the periods of change and development in the environment of an organization. Burns(1978) termed it as “transformational leadership.” During such time of change it becomes more challenging. Choice of leadership styles has strong impact on the motivation of their employees. During these adverse times, both managers and employees face high pressure and job instability.

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Transformational and Transactional leadership styles and motivation

Masi (2000) relates the transaction and transformation in the leadership styles and its impact on the motivation. He discussed its impact on different organizational levels, norms and productivity. Managers also need to improve their self image as well. There are various leader ship styles that need to be adopted by the managers to improve and enhance their productivity.

Democratic Style and Motivational Theories

This is also based on the classic theories of motivation. In this style employees have a chance to participate in the important matters of an organization. They feel satisfied and it also enhances their confidence level. This helps to build relation of trust and provide environment for better communication especially in crucial time of change.

Authoritarian Leadership and X and Y theory

This leadership style requires strict and close control of their employees. Autocratic leaders follow X theory of motivation. There is direct supervision which in times of change need tight monitoring of their workers, sometime it results in employees' frustration.

Laissez-faire and theory Y

It is also another example of following theory Y , in this style leader allows freedom of decision ...
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