Organisations And Behaviours

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Organisations and Behaviours

Organisations and Behaviours

Task 1

The two organisations that we will be using to carry out this assignment and related tasks are Bank of England and British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC). Organisational structure and culture are central to organisational operations where culture is considered as integral to the organisational structure. To understand this comprehensively, we will compare and contrast the culture of BOE and BBC and define how their culture translates their organisational structure.

Bank of England (BOE)

British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)

The culture and structure of the UK banking industry and that of the BOE is in the need of reforms, as indicated by the head of BOE; Sir King.

The structure and culture effectively indicates excessive levels of the compensation and shoddy treatment of the customers.

The structure of BOE posits increased deceitful manipulation of interest rates.

These are indicated by Sir Mervyn king and it denotes the lack of leadership at BOE.

The culture of BOE through jeopardizing their customers' investment and savings using ineffective forecasting processes invariably indicates the lack of attention to detail.

As indicated by three independent reports, centralised and hierarchical structure of BOE negatively impacts its effectiveness.

Contrary to the establishment of BOE in late 17th century, BBC was founded in the early 20th century and yet its culture and structure is characterized by extensive bureaucracy.

The management system and culture of BBC is characterized as dysfunctional; to change which top managers have been changed time and again but to no avail.

The culture also posits self and independent regulation backed by ineffective governance of BBC, indicating of the in the structure loophole.

The increasingly monolithic news structure and out of touch culture with overall impression being too hierarchical and remote management structures from the ground level indicate effectively of the declining trust and morale among stakeholders.

Furthermore, predominantly male oriented management reflects bias and gender based stereotyping.

Impact of Relationship between Structure and Culture on business Performance

If we are to rate the culture of BBC on Hofstede's cultural dimensions, it rates high of power distance with structure reflecting bureaucracy. Degree of individualism is the same as it is commonly found in Anglo-Saxon countries. Uncertainty avoidance and dynamism are low as its operations are based explicitly on six identified core values so as to tackle uncertain situations and dynamics of the external and internal environment. The factor of masculinity is also rated as medium with the employees being invariably positive and ambitious about their career and job responsibilities.

This is only derived through observing the structure and culture of the organisations comprehensively. Considering the impact of structure and culture on the performance of organisation, it is directly correlated. For instance, considering the current scenario of Jimmy Savile sexual abuse case, it is reported by Pollard Review that it is the chaos and confusion embedded in the culture of BBC that has turned this case into one of the biggest crises ever faced by the BBC. The Pollard Review goes on to indicate that the reasons behind the crises ...
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