Organisational Culture

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Organizational Culture

Organizational Culture


The aim of this paper is to explore the organizational culture of a company. For this purpose, I have chosen Gulf Contractors Company (GCC) to discuss about its prevailing corporate culture. This is the company where I have worked, thus I have considerable knowledge regarding the operations and organizational culture of Gulf Contractors Company. The main focus of this paper is that how this corporate culture was setup in the beginning and how it has been maintained or altered with time in order to achieve success.

Since the 80's, researchers and analysts have been raising various definitions of organizational culture, including how this affects the functioning of the organization and its culture. A culture is defined as a set of custom, beliefs and values ??that distinguish one society from another. This definition has many modifications including in this context that the term influences the behaviour of individuals within it. Several authors have proposed their views, so there are different schools of thought with opposite inclinations. One of the approaches views culture as a socio cultural system and another one defines culture as a system of different ideas that represent different schools but however, they do not always go with the same view (Alvesson, 2002, p.113).

Culture is the set of important understandings that members of a community have in common. Organizational culture is a system of shared values ??and beliefs of people in the organizational structure. A strong culture can contribute substantially to long-term success of the organizations to guide behaviour and give meaning to the activities.

The corporate culture is a new theory of modern enterprise management. The organisations are really making a move to step into the competitive market in order to develop faster, to remain efficient, and to continuously improve the overall quality of the coordinated economic development of the organization. This step is taken to deepen corporate culture of construction (Clark, 2000, p.15).

Corporate culture comprises of both; broad and narrow understanding. Broad corporate culture is the organisation that creates materialistic culture and spiritual culture with its own characteristics, while narrow corporate culture is when the operations of the organizations have its own unique traits, value concepts and moral code of conduct, such as Apple Inc.

Corporate culture is an important part of social and cultural system. It is a comprehensive reflection of the national culture and the modern consciousness within the organisation..

Overview of Industry and Gulf Contractors Company

The construction industry in UAE was at its peak in 2003. Later industry started diminishing; however, the industry is still witnessing unprecedented expansion with its diverse projects in all the cities of United Arab Emirates, specifically in Dubai and Abu Dhabi. It is positive impact on overall economy's growth, since it is highly contributing to the GDP of the country.


Gulf Contractors Company

Gulf Contractors Company was established in 1988 and is now one of the leading General Contracting Companies in UAE ( It is located in Abu Dhabi. Gulf Contractors Company is engaged in housing construction, highway, water ...
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