Organisational Behaviour

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Organisations and Behaviour

Organisations and Behaviour


The term organizational structure refers to the hierarchy of the firm and the reporting system that it follows. All organizations have formal or informal structure through which the information and the commands flow into different directions in the organization.

On the other hand, the organizational culture refers to the behaviour, values and norms that are observed and practiced by the employees of the firm. The new coming employees adopt the organizational culture of the firm in order to get familiar with the practices of the organization. The culture of the firms differs based on the type of the firm is dealing with.

Section 1

Organisational Structures

Functional Structure

The functional structure combines the specific portions of the firms into groups based on the purpose of that and work or job tasks they perform. The functional structure divides the firm in the sections like marketing, finance, production, sales etc. There is also one drawback for this structure, that is, the communication and coordination between the departments can be limited and restricted due to the formation of the boundaries around the departments (Mrowka, 2011, 477-491).

Divisional structure

The divisional structure is widely used in the larger companies which are dispersed in the different geographic locations and areas. It can also be used in organizations with sister companies in different areas. The divisions in the divisional structure may be south division, north division, east and west divisions and central division of the firm. The divisional structure has some benefits such as the problems can be resolved there and then if there are any because the divisions have the full authority of the functions and operations. On the other hand, this structure entails communication gap in it because the employees work in different divisions rather and are not together (Mrowka, 2011, 477-491).

Matrix Structure

A firm which has a matrix structure consists of structure based on the teams. These teams are from different sections and the business units of the firm. The purpose of these teams is to work on different projects, and the head or the manager of the project leads the team. The advantages of this structure entail the flexibility of selecting the employees to include them in the team according to the needs of the team and the project (Mrowka, 2011, 477-491).

Organisational Cultures

Task Culture

This is the modern culture of the organizations in which the approach used is to complete a task by a team. The benefit of this culture is that the employees feel motivated and empowered due to their involvement in the decision making (Dev, 2013, 2-10).

Power Culture

This type of culture is based on the element of the power. The authority of every decision is with the owner or the head of the business. The elements or employees who have access to the most resources due to the power can flourish in this culture (Dev, 2013, 2-10).

Role Culture

This culture divides the firm into different functions and all employees are given some role to perform under that ...
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