Organisational Behaviour

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Miles Rent a Car

Miles Rent a Car

Motivation and its Importance to Organisational Culture

For ensuring growth and success of a company, it is very important the management of the company makes sure that it works by helping the employees to stay motivated. This is the reason that the managers and supervisors make sure that each of the employees in the company is performing his or her task with complete honesty and hard work. In keeping the employees motivated, the culture of the organisation plays a very important role. The culture is defined by Webster as “the social structure and intellectual and artistic manifestations that characterize a society.”

In an organisation, the culture means the way in which the people act and interact with each other. This is the reason that the belief of the people of the company and the way in which they create success is very important and the company should ensure that these beliefs are turned to reality to help the company grow and succeed. Although, it is very difficult for the company to make sure that all the employees are satisfied and motivated, the company should take every step that is necessary and that will help the company grow (Anne,, 1999, pp. 19). The culture of the company depends a lot on the management of the company. The leaders and the managers are the ones who are responsible for building a culture that is helpful in motivating the employees and in helping them in performing to their best potential. This is the reason that the culture of the organisation is given huge importance and the people of the company are kept motivated so that the company works in the best manner and is on the road to success and growth.

Importance of Employee Motivation at Miles Rent-A-Car to Sustain Its Successful Brand Image

The main objective of Miles Rent a Car is customer satisfaction. Customers are given huge importance at Miles Rent a Car, which is why, it is very important the employees are kept motivated so that they deal with the customers in the best possible manner. The employees deal with the customers over the phone, e-mail, face to face and/or fax. Face to face and telephonic dealing requires interaction with the customers, and if the employees are not motivated they will not deal with the customers in a good manner and the brand image of the company will decline. This is the reason that it is very important for the company to ensure that the motivation level of the employees does not reduce (Bruce, 2006, pp. 72).

Customer service and satisfaction is the differentiating point of Miles Rent a Car from other rent a car companies and this why they make sure that the customers are dealt with in the best manner, and for ensuring this, they will have to make sure that the employees of the company deal with the customers in such a manner that they retain them so that they next time they ...
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