Organisation And Leadership

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Understanding Organisation and Leadership

Understanding Organisation and Leadership


Leadership is changing. It has been observed that there have been changes in the context of organizations that profoundly affect the structure and culture of the same, as well as appropriate ways to manage its activities (Eleanor & Counselman, 1991: 240). There has been a break with traditional ideas, and have formulated new and bold proposals to meet the challenges of changing times. This paper will be identifying and analyzing the main issues and concerns faced by a leader who is attempting to develop the commitment of his/her staff during recessionary times (Kevin, 1989: 237).

In his book "Power Shift", the author Alvin Toffler (1990) believes that the changes in the way of obtaining power are first emerged in using force (Victor, 1973: 66). With the force, it was possible to ensure that individuals do what was expected of them. One need only think of slavery and the horrific tactics used by the masters of camps. Then Toffler reminds us that we went to a power controlled by money. 

Issues and Challenges Faced By Leader during Recessionary Period

Leadership in Times of Crisis and Uncertainty

"The most important responsibility of anyone trying to manage what is, handled himself as a person" (Herm, 1989: 357)

In my consulting work I have met many owners of small to medium sized businesses, real entrepreneurs who have developed their organizations from scratch. When I ask them what their personal circumstances they were instrumental in building their businesses, it is very difficult for me to answer your technical knowledge that they are, their knowledge of the market or their business skills. Generally, when you take stock of what enabled them to create, maintain and develop the company and deal with all the vicissitudes and challenges they were presented, most of them rescue her entrepreneurial spirit, enthusiasm for promoting new projects, their resilience to face adversity, his ability to build trust and commitment in teams (Allen & Hartman, 2008: 10). 

In times of crisis and uncertainty, when the manual for success demonstrates their volatility, when known paths do not necessarily lead to the desired destination and our compasses indicate that not always have to go north, emerges with clarity and sharpness of the importance of leadership. It is worth mentioning that when we talk of leadership we do not mean the traditional thinking that leader is someone who has more followers or who influence the behaviour of others. Understand leadership as a driving style that is committed to developing its people. In the words of Tom Peters: "Leaders do not create followers, they create leaders" (Allio, 2005: 1071).

The way of assuming leadership must walk the impossibility of having plans or maps that indicate the direction to go. Moreover, we often discard the paths that appear safer, the busiest, the "socially correct", which promise a lifetime of success and smooth. The cost to pay for erecting the protagonists in the creation of our own life is to assume the risk of making our decisions, build our own way even advice ignoring what the "official ...
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