Organisational Groups/Teams

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Organisation and Behaviour

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Organisation and Behaviour


Effective team work places great significance in an organization. Healthy teamwork could lead organizations to achieve their objectives immensely well. Team work or working in groups is an art which can contribute massively towards the success of the organization. In the given task it will be discussed that how teams can play an important role within the organizations. Although teams often leads to conflicts and disagreements of opinions but they also contributes well in achieving the objectives efficiently (Singh, 2011, pp 175-188). Conflicts usually occur due to the difference of opinion amongst the group members. Organization forms groups and teams in order to divide the tasks which reduces the complexity of achieving the goals. People join groups depending on certain factors which are as follows.

Companionship: Groups offers the members to enjoy the company of each other through which they can learn and add more to their knowledge. Organizations form groups in order to create

Understanding between the employees so that they can achieve the goals effectively.

Survival and security: being in groups often provides security and protection. Being in a large number is far better rather then solving any problem or task alone.

Affiliation and status: Individuals in the group can be endowed with the status of other

Members who are associated with the group.

Power and control: being a member of group generates power in an individual so that tasks can be performed easily. The hesitant members are encouraged through being a part of the group, it gives them power to express their ideas and thoughts.

Achievement : the groups carry higher probability of achieving the task rather then achieving it alone. An individual would take more time comparatively to a whole group. Achievement is made easier when it comes to a group accomplishing certain given task.

The management of the organizations often go for groups rather then individuals so that several ideas can be generated all together to fulfil the task and achieve the objective for the success of organization. A member of a group certainly enjoys those benefits which an independent individual does not.


Answer 1: The groups are formed after implementing five stages which include

Forming: This stage is where the group initiates and members start to know each other. Resources are analyzed according to the given task

Storming: This is the stage where challenges are highly faced. People refuse to accept each other most of the times. Emotional stability is hurt amongst the group members.

Norming: When the group reaches this stage, conflicts starts being settled and people move towards a more normalized side

Performing: This is the most productive stage where the members accept the differences of each other and work jointly to successful perform the given task:

Adjourning: This is the final stage where tasks come to an end and members provides each other with appreciations

The nature of groups is of two types which include

Formal Groups : these are the groups designed by the organization intentionally to assign the group members to achieve a ...
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