Orem's Theory And Roy's Theory In Nursing Practice

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Orem's Theory and Roy's Theory in Nursing Practice

Orem's Theory and Roy's Theory in Nursing Practice


Many theories have been developed in order to support nursing practice in our society. The nursing theories help in defining what of nursing, when the nursing is needed and it also helps in describing who of the nursing. Nursing theories assist its practitioners to recognize the goals and boundaries of therapeutic activities of nursing (Ahmad, 2006). These theories are essential for effective nursing research and practice.

Nursing theories offers the basis of the nursing practice. Moreover, nursing theories help in generating additional knowledge related to nursing and also helps in indicating the direction of nursing in which it must be developed. For examining the situations in the field of nursing, frameworks are provided by the nursing theories. The frameworks of nursing theories provide structure for decision making, organization and analysis when the new situations come across (Ahmad, 2006). Moreover, nursing theories present a structure for communicating with the members and nurses of healthcare team.

Nursing theories help the nursing's discipline in clarifying values, goals and beliefs as well as they assist to describe the nursing's unique contribution in the care of patients. When the contribution of nursing is understandable then control of certain characteristics of practice and greater professional autonomy is achieved (Ahmad, 2006). New theories are being developed or existing theories are being modified through nursing research in order to expand the knowledge in the discipline of nursing. Orem's theory and Roy's adaptation model are the basic theories that help the professionals of nursing (Ahmad, 2006).


The theory of Orem is based on three theories, the theory of self care deficit, the theory of nursing systems and the theory of self care. Vision of Orem of health is a situation described by completeness of developed human structures and of mental and bodily functioning. It includes psychological, physical, social and interpersonal aspects (Nursing Theories, 2012). Orem's main statements included that people must be responsible and self-reliant for self-care and also for the care of other within their society and family. Orem believed that knowledge of a person of possible health problems is essential for the promotion of behaviors related to self-care. Orem defined nursing as a helping service, a technology and an art (Nursing Theories, 2012).

Roy adaptation model is created by Roy for supporting and improving the nursing practice for the professionals in the discipline of nursing. This model highlights that a person get used to the environment via four modes: self-concept (feelings and beliefs about oneself), physiologic processes and needs, Interdependence (receiving and giving nurturance) and role mastery (behavior amongst people who hold diverse standings in society) (Kathleen, n.d.). According to the adaptation model of Roy, the nursing goal is to help the patient to adapt or accept illness in order to meet additional stimuli or motivations that are required in dealing with their illness. Thus, the adaptation model of Roy assists the nursing practice by providing adequate knowledge in the nursing discipline (Kathleen, ...
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