Oprah Winfrey

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Oprah Winfrey


Oprah Winfrey is the star of U.S. television. Through personal communications skills, has made everything passing through her hands to become a success. But not only is she a leading media, but also one of the most influential figures in her country. It also has one of the largest fortunes in the world, “The Oprah Winfrey Show”. Oprah is one of those successful people who have went from living in one of the most deprived areas of Mississippi to became the host of the most watched worldwide, "The Oprah Winfrey Show." (Moore, p22-36)

Early Life

American TV presenter, Oprah Winfrey is a true myth for many Americans. Her childhood life was not easy and she has the great merit of having managed to overcome her problems and eventually become the great and powerful communicator for years (Mowbray, www.guardian.co.uk).

Oprah Winfrey was born on January 29, 1954 in the U.S. city of Kosciusko, Missouri. Her grandmother looked after her until she was 6 years old when she went to live with her mother. At that moment began one of the worst periods of her life. She suffered physical and psychological abuse that made her day to day a complete chaos. Her situation was so bad that at thirteen decided to run away from home (Moore, p22-36).

At age 30 years, Oprah Winfrey's career took another step forward. The WSL-TV hires Chicago to present her own program of morning, AM Chicago. In a few months Oprah was able to put her talk show in the number 1 ranking of audiences. The real reason for the success of this program is its host and this is reflected in September 1985, when the AM Chicago became The Oprah Winfrey Show (Moore, p22-36).

Success became the constant companion of Oprah and her program. In 1986 The Oprah Winfrey Show was the No. 1 talk show in American television, and 20 years after the media retains its privileged position. Nearly 30 million viewers follow their emissions only in the United States. The awards, including the Emmy for best talk show, supported her career. The figure of Oprah and her record of longevity give this program a fine reputation as the most famous of the world are without doubt for her set (Mowbray, www.guardian.co.uk).

But Oprah is not only a popular television presenter. Its huge success in this environment and has helped her to carry out many other activities. She has a production company, Harpo Entertainment Group, is co-founder of Oxygen Media, has written books, runs her own website and even the editor of The Oprah Magazine, a magazine that follows the line of talk show TV (Moore, p22-36).

Oprah has also made ??forays into the film world and has participated as an actress in such familiar titles as The Color Purple, Throw Momma from the Train, Never were children and Beloved. Thanks to all of these fronts in her career today she is considered the first black billionaire and the most powerful woman in television in the United States.

Besides being an excellent ...
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