Oprah Winfrey

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How Oprah Winfrey has impacted my life

How Oprah Winfrey has impacted my life.


Kind, humble, dignified, respected, outstanding, charismatic, iconic and upright - These are the words that symbolize Oprah Winfrey's compelling personality. She has become the most inspiring personality in America today. She has instead become an idol for millions of those, who want to lead a prosperous life. She has an influential personality that can have a profound positive impact on her audiences, listeners, and others, who have worked with her for long twenty five years. Her nature of work; the way she carries herself and her associates is really astonishing. In this paper, I will discuss how Oprah Winfrey has had an outstanding impact on my life (Greenberg, 2007).


Five decades after the widespread distribution of television, the relationship between television and American culture can best be described as ambivalent. On the one hand, the industry has made a genuine effort to treat blacks as artists on an equal basis with whites, to end discrimination against them, and to depict them realistically. On the other hand, the industry continues to portray blacks in stereotypical ways and is reluctant to hire them or to develop their talents (Greenberg, 2007).

The reason why I admire Oprah is the fact that I am a very strong believer of idealism. There is no doubt about her charismatic personality. She has won awards and laurels for her country and people are really proud of her. Oprah has emerged as a role model for millions of people around the world. She has a towering personality that helps her to gain recognition wherever she goes. She was the host of one of the longest running day-time talk shows, called “The Oprah Winfrey Show” (Greenberg, 2007).


The saying, “Where there is a will, there is a way” holds true for Oprah Winfrey, the most respected and acclaimed TV show presenter. She has proved that women of substance can achieve height of professional acumen in their field of interest. She is the iron lady of entertainment industry. How many of us have this iron will to achieve his dreams? Winfrey's success story is full of lessons that inspire an individual to such an extent that everything seems possible. Oprah Winfrey is the most popular American broadcaster. She is eighth strongest woman in the world on a list of ten. She is the only Billionaire women living in America. She is the heart-throb of Black Americans, a depleted community, which is still facing hardships and is struggling for its rights. She has left unimaginable impact on the American nation. She is the one, who came forward and make Americans realize the importance of social issues prevailing in a diverse country like the United States of America. She has influenced men, women, students, elders, alike and I have no shame in claiming that I am the one, who follows her blindly. Her show was broadcast in 122 countries across the world. Her fans call her with different names including: the chief ...
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