Oppression Of Women In Television

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Oppression of Women in Television

Oppression of Women in Television


Women have been subjected to Oppression since long. More recently, Women have been oppressed by segments of the Society in Television Industry. They have not been allowed to be casted in leading roles due to the dominance of Men. There are diverse reasons being attributed to the increased oppression being caused to Women in the Entertainment Industry. Women have a nature characterized by the qualities of giving, nurturing, ignoring their own good for the benefit of others. This nature does not let them reach the level where they aspire to reach (Nochlin, 2012).

In a society dominated by Men, Women do not get the opportunity to reach the top. They are harassed and oppressed by Men at various levels. As a result, they lose interest in their work and are not able to accomplish their goals. Men for their own motives tend to bribe women or try to have intimate relations with them. Even after working so hard and achieving respectable standing in the society, they are blamed for having violated the traditions of Society.

Women have to deal with various challenges on a daily basis in all types of industries. In order to deal with these diverse challenges, Women have to change their nature completely. They have some intricate qualities based on their nature. It's not easy for them to change their nature completely. But the intensity of the situation demands that Women have to be flexible in their nature. But it has been observed that Men take advantage of Women who are too soft and simple.

Media forms an important method of entertainment for the public. After a tiring day at work, they want to relax. Television fulfills their appetite for entertainment. The problem with Entertainment Industry in U.S.A is that women are continually oppressed by Men at all levels. They do not get the opportunity to reach the top. The challenges facing women are diverse and complicated. The Women folk are known by the soft nature prevalent in them. Women Actresses are more inward looking and delicate. This factor is increasingly being exposed by Men. They know that women would not retaliate. Thus they get incentive and are more willing to build traps for Women (Blum et al, 2012).

Men have a perennial jealousy towards Progress of Women. They cannot stand Women getting progressed rather than them. It has been a rarity in the American Society that Women get leading roles in the Television Industry. They are increasingly being subjected to oppression. They blackmail Women of Dire consequences if they tell the whole story.

It has been observed that Women are sexually harassed, intimidated and bribed by Men. It is no secret that today's society is characterized by Men. Surviving in such a Society requires Women to be straightforward and having a flexible approach towards dealing with the changing attitudes of Men.

Equality Status

Men have been unwilling to grant an equality status to Women. A majority of conflicts arising in ...
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