Operations Management

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Operations management

Question 1:

Identify and explain the role and importance of effective operations management.

Operational management is all activities related to the deliberate transformation of materials, information or customers. Operating function includes activities that result in manufactured goods and services supplied by the organization to the external environment. Organization may vary greatly in nature operating functions. For example, in industrial raw materials are processed, and the first from the raw produce individual parts and components, then assemble them into finished products.

Operations management is the area of Business Administration dedicated to both research and the implementation of all these actions tend to generate greater value added through the planning , organization , direction and control in the production of both goods and of services , all aimed at increasing quality , productivity , improve customer satisfaction for customers and reduce costs. At the strategic level the objective of the Directors of Operations is involved in finding a sustainable competitive advantage for the company.

Operational management is understood or "managing down" which makes the public management into your organization to increase its ability to achieve their political purposes. It includes changes in organizational structure and system of roles and functions, the choice of leaders and mid-level advisor, the process of training of permanent staff, continuous improvement of the functioning of the organization with its current technology and the introduction of technical and strategic innovations in line with ongoing projects. Its main tasks are:

Analysis of services: Primarily refers to the analysis of agreement between the services offered or intended offer and the requirements of citizens. It also refers to compliance with the technical specifications of each product or service, and evidence of proper operation.

Analysis of processes: Refers to the technical and administrative processes, and its legal framework, used or intended to be used for projects, services, etc., Both as regards the relationship with the public recipient and the relationship with other government organizations.

Review of ways to design and direct: The strategic approach of government involved, unlike the bureaucratic approach, a permanent search process more efficient procedures for the implementation of projects and services, trying to achieve consistent results with the requirements of the people without wasting public resources available. (Hartness, 2002, pp. 46)

Question 2

Analyze the strategic objectives of the organization.

If the mission defines the organization of general guidance, the directions of the organization's functioning, which express the meaning of its existence, then specific end-state sought by the organization are recorded in the form of its goals, that is, in other words, the goals - this is a concrete state of individual characteristics of the organization, achievement of which is for it both desirable and towards which its activities.

Economic objectives are formulated and established the mission and to its development. This takes into account the values ??and goals that are oriented top management. Senior management for a long time, remains true to certain values, which manifests itself in choosing the type of control, as well as for the ...
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