The GPS is, in essence, a data production technology, because its fundamental role is to produce the coordinate location of a receiver. With the addition of differential GPS and the Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS), receivers can yield ground coordinates within fractions of an inch of their true position. GPS satellites were initially launched by the U.S. government for military applications, and an intentional degradation of the positioning accuracy.
The GPS is made up of satellite-based navigation system which is comprised of a system of 24 satellites positioned into orbit by the Defence Department of US. Global Positioning System was initially proposed for purpose of the millitary, however in the 1980s, the US government made the system accessible for the use of the civilians. It works in any climate circumstances, everywhere around the globe, 24/7.
Most of the cargo companies such as FedEx, OCS, and DHL use GPS system to achieve just in-time, delivery, cost-effective logistics and reliability. Global positioning system in cargo has become an obligatory technology to improve the standards of on time delivery. All the paramount companies are using this technology in order to retain its position in the market. Cargo GPS assists companies, in controlling the logistics from point of origin to point of destination. This technology helps companies to control unplanned breaks during the journey. It also facilitates in tracking the security of the cargo. GPS provides many cost effective benefits for tracking cargo.
All over the world shipment cargo needs high security to guarantee on time arrival. For this purpose, global cargo tracking has been developed. This technology has made a difference in directing the business to right paths. Imperative techniques have been introduced, in order to guarantee that the customer gets delivery on time. The new techniques of cargo GPS have been selected from different global positioning system solutions. This helps in delivering the product on the right time and to the right owner. The business units utilize GPS to monitor the movement of logistics. The cargo GPS technology helps in preventing the logistics from theft (Bartlett, 2010 pp. 119).
The Global Positioning system in an extraordinarily exact orbit satellites circle the earth twice a day and broadcast signal into information to earth. GPS recipient obtain this data and utilise triangulation to compute the user's precise position. The difference of time tells the receiver of the GPS that how far away the satellite is. Now, with distance capacity from a few more satellites, the receiver can determine the user's location and exhibit it on the unit's electronic map.
Cargo GPS and application in FedEx
In recent times, the distribution of products and services has become more global. The increment in global distribution has also amplified the reliance of cargo transportation and shipment. The increase of reliance has resulted in increasing the economic jeopardy with nefarious activities within the worldwide supply. The economic risk is increasing with the passage of time so it needs a better security ...