Operations Management

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Managing Operations and Quality



Operations Overview4

Production operations4


Quality and distribution5







The Company wants to explore the opportunities and market available for the garden power products we offer to the customers. This briefing paper aims to discuss the looked forward plan of initiating online sales via company's own website. Online or internet sales channel is a blessing of modern technology which enables the proprietors to penetrate into the global market with negligible channel maintenance cost. A scientific comparison of all the implications of managing an online sales channel and at the same time improving the quality and operations shows that with right decisions and initiatives we can practically apply the idea of online sales. We can sell our products directly to the customers under our own brand name and can target a vast market with enormous growth potential. Moreover, substitute sales channels of the same company can be a tool to capture and retain customers from all backgrounds and needs.

Managing Operations and Quality


As the business grows beyond physical borders, the needs and expectations of the customers grow faster. The internet has changed the information delivery process completely (Barber and Ordean, 2001, pp. 41). Internet has reduced the cost of price variation dramatically, which has benefited both ends, (Einav, et al, 2013, pp. 1). This briefing paper aims to discuss the looked forward plan of automating the company sales of garden power tools via company's own website. Online sales are a vital part of routine business existence for every company and customer from food stores to fashion industry to Information technology firms. The internet has blessed customers with enormous efficiency by letting them know what, is available for how much, thus reducing the search efforts (Kazumori & MacMillan, 2005, pp. 443). Our business can have a fabulous advantage and edge over the competitors by having an online sales presence and multiple sales channels. The capacity, resources, and supplies are limited but yet can be increased with due diligence and the benefits can be enormous. E-Business has major advantages for companies in customizing the marketing and distribution channels for specified customers as well as it helps the finance department with appropriate pricing. The proper configuration once updated on the website will be a principal force to attract customers towards the product as they become highly confident with the quality and use of the product. The companies selling online chose to divide the price in half, the price of the product and that of shipping cost (Hossain & Morgan, 2006, pp. 1). The introduction of online sales will affect the quality. It will have its implications and limitations on company's overall performance and reputation. The power tools companies are already in the business of selling online and are highly successful. Global reach and increased flexibility towards the after sales services have ensured a strong customer base for them. The outlook of the business processes of the company is discussed in detail in paper with the proposed plan of initiating online sales and its implications on operations ...
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