Operations Management

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Operations Management of Saxon leather Upholstery

Operations Management of Saxon leather Upholstery


Operations management is one of the core areas of organization which is concerned with designing and controlling of the overall production process. It also helps organizations to redesign their business operations for the production of goods and services offered by them. The aim of operations management is to utilize the resources in an efficient manner in order to produce quality products and services which could ultimately meet the requirements of the customers. The process involves converting inputs (such as raw materials, labor, and energy) into outputs (finished products; to be sold to end customer).

This paper is based on highlighting the entire operations management process of a particular company. For this purpose, Saxon Leather Upholstery has been selected. Saxon leather upholstery is among the largest manufacturers and exporters of the leather furniture's in the United Kingdom. The company is working for more than 20 years in UK, and their sole aim is to provide high quality of leather furniture to their customers. Initially, the company was only focused on doing business in the UK region alone. However, with the passage of time and their growing success, the company also started to export their products to other countries of the world including all the European countries.

In order to provide high quality products to its customers, the company has made its production process more effective. This includes hiring professional craftsmen which could produce leather furniture according to the needs and expectations of their target customers. This is the reason why they have been able to attract significant number of customers from a niche market. The company also provides ten-year guarantee of frame construction for all the leather furniture they produce. In addition to that, they also provide have the refund policy for their customers. If customers find themselves uncomfortable with their products, they can return the product within 28 days of their purchase date. All such offers and concierge services are provided to keep their customers happy and satisfied with the products the company has to offer.

Quality Control Process

Creation and management of value is perhaps the most challenging task for an organization in the modern era due to the large impact that it can have on its future revenues. Saxon maintains a focus on quality by placing the customers at the heart of all of its operational activities. All the processes have been optimized to enable the company to deliver the highest quality of goods to its customers. Leather companies, in particular, need to have a close look into their production process. They need to utilize their resources very carefully in order to avoid any damage to their raw material, as the raw material involved in the process are quite expensive. The following processes allow Saxon Leather Upholstery to achieve high value in its value chain due to the implementation of its value addition processes.

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The first and foremost step involved in the quality control process initiates with ...
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