Operational Scenario

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Operational Scenario: Prision Physical Altercation

Prision Physical Altercation

Answer 1:

While many might not see my point of view on this subject and it is sknown that rehabilitation had been implemented in some areas and it had appeared that these prove to be pointless, I do not think that a cogent method was implemented (Robbins, Stephen, Judge, Timothy, 2009, 102-700). As we speak, there are hundreds of thousands of prisoners who sit in our prisons where they eat, sleep, and watch TV and do very little work. Prisoners spend most of their time in their cells. While I understand many people feel they do deserve to sit in their cells, but what will happen when they eventually get released? Did you know that the recidivism rate for people released is 51%? (Cornell, 1990). Of course this statistic may be a little higher or lower due to the fact that the United State?s recidivism study was done in 1994 and the last time it was updated was 2002 (Cornell, 1990). Since then, crime has increased. The point the paper is trying to make is that rehabilitation needs to be given another chance because keeping these people in prison give them nothing else to do and allows them to think about what he or she could have done different to avoid being caught. It is believed that these people need to be thinking of other things like how to survive if life and to be successful.

A recent report by that was taken by the U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics has revealed some startling information. The total of state and federal prisoners has more than doubled in the United States between 1985 and 1996! Last year alone the prison population expanded from about 55,900 inmates, reaching a record 1,182,000 at year's end. By late 1996, state prisons, which hold the majority of convicts, were operating 16% to 24% over their capacity (U.S. Department of Justice, 1994). This is ridiculous. Federal prisons were even worse than state prisons, with a rate of 25%. So, regardless of the construction of many new facilities, overcrowding is still a persistent dilemma and will continue to be if the bill gets passed to double the maximum prison time for armed robbery. With the overcrowding in prisons, this proposes a threat for prisoners and not to mention the employees. Now they have to deal with many more prisoners than they can handle. As incarceration continues to rise, the budgets start to shrink and then you have a situation that leads to prison understaffing (Robbins, Stephen, Judge, Timothy, 2009, 102-700).

Not shockingly, this makes convict escapes easier far easier and the prisoners know that as well. The understaffing can also lead to riots, resulting in bloodshed and hostage taking. And it also leads to the early release of dangerous criminals, who often commit new offenses. Instead of keeping these prisoners and spending our tax money to keep them in there, our tax money could have gone toward better schools for our children, hospitals, ...
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