Online Shopping

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Online Shops over Traditional Shops

Online Shops over Traditional Shops


E-stores and online stores have become important aspects of the strategy of a retailer. Previous research indicates that online shoppers are fundamentally different from traditional offline consumers. However, according to the theory of Big East (Levy et al. 2005), the authors believe that there are segments of online shoppers who are very similar to regular shopper groups. To determine the motivations of online shopping and e-store attribute importance measures are used separately as a basis for developing typologies of online shopping. The results reveal that there are more similarities than differences among traditional buyers in stores and online. However, there is a little shopping unique types found in online stores, attracted by characteristics and attributes of the environment of online retail.

Table Of Content


Table Of Content3



Background O f Study5

Purpose of Study6

Problem Statement6

Research Questions6

Chapter 210

Literature Review10





Widening scope19


Privacy and Security20

The Internet is convenient; simple to use; hassle free21

Lack of personal contact and face anonymity22

It is easy to place an order over the Internet; it offers 24 hours access:22

The effect of culture on attitudes towards websites23

Attitudes toward buying online between males and females23

Other factors24


Methodology and Result25

Research method26

Instrument design and pre-tests26

Online data collection29

Data analysis and results31

Online shopping motivation dimensions31

E-Store attribute importance dimensions33

Online shopping motivation and e-store attribute importance based shopper typologies34

Table 1. Cluster centroids based on online shopping motivation dimensions.35

Table 2.37

Discussion and implications40



Limitations and directions for future research45




The development of types of buyers is a well-established stream of research in retailing with more than 40 studies on retail patronage behavior using a variety of bases, such as the importance of attribute detail shopping motivations, attitudes towards shopping, shopping frequency and loyalty of the store. Most of these studies have focused on understanding consumer behavior in patronage of traditional retail formats. However, more recently, research in retailing online suggested that those who shop online to behave in a fundamentally different way compared to traditional retail customers (Alba et al., 1997)

With the World Wide Web development with maturity and growing e-commerce, online shopping behavior become important in people's lives.

From the retailer's view, they would attach importance to establish and improve of online stores. This could help retailer avoid sales and customer losing from online shopping and traditional shopping campaign. Under the trend of shopping behavior, retailers should adjust their sale strategy in order to attract more customers and earn more profit. So, research on discovering a better method is needed.(Sekaran,2000)

Background O f Study

Previous research, online shoppers are expected to be more concerned with convenience, are willing to pay more to save time (Burke, 1997), (Li et al., 1999), (Morganosky and Cude, 2000), and Shopping also may dislike regular (Burke, 1997). In addition, previous research argues that buyers online may request further product information, products greater variety of products, and more personalized or specialized and regular buyers (Burke, 1997) and (Syzmanski and Hise, 2000]). Finally, we believe that online shoppers are not strongly motivated the shop for pleasure or recreation (Li et ...
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