On-Line Sales Experience: An Investigation Into The Perception & Experience Of Shoppers

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On-line Sales Experience: An Investigation into the Perception & Experience of Shoppers


Table of Contents

1.0 Introduction to Problem Statement and Purpose of Study1

1.1 Research Aim2

1.2 Contribution of the Study2

2.0 Methodology3

2.1 Purpose of the Study and Type of Investigation3

2.1.1 Trends of Online Shopping4

2.2 Data Collection5

2.3 Design5

2.4 The Questionnaire Survey7

2.5 Data Analysis7

On-line Sales Experience: Investigation into the Perception & Experience of Shoppers

1.0 Introduction to Problem Statement and Purpose of Study

In response to dynamic consumer environments, marketing activities have continuously diversified in order to better serve the needs of consumers. As one of the efforts, direct marketing has provided consumers with a variety of non store shopping options such as the catalogue ordering, telephone and television shopping, and in-home shopping parties. For example, catalogue sales grew from $34.58 billion in 1992 to $64.31 billion (an 86.0% increase) by providing substantial benefits such as time-saving and convenience to consumers (Amin 2008, 493-503).

The latest trend in non store retailing is an online shopping. The recent rapid growth in computer use and technology has made it possible for buyers and sellers in retail markets to communicate more efficiently than ever via the Internet and thereby contributed to the development of electronic commerce. Online shopping has emerged as a revolutionary means of non store shopping for various products (Atchariyachanvanich 2008, 91-102).

The study will determine the focuses on the various characteristics of the consumers in relation to the online shopping that is the purchasing from the website. It is observed that the consumers try to take full advantage of the utility that include the reducing the cost or the expenditures by selecting to buy clothing online or personally. In keeping the view of all the elements which affects the decrease or increase in utility that entails how much time is spent in the shopping by the consumers. This paper investigates whether the subjective value of time as well as the objective value of time affects the frequency of online apparel purchases (Earl 2000, 33-8).

1.1 Aims of Study

The aims of the study is to find the perception and behaviour of online shoppers. In addition to this, the objective of the paper are given below:

To be attentive of the importance of internet shopping;

To find the attitude toward the internet shopping;

To understand the reservations of the customers regarding online shopping;

To find security problems of internet shopping.

In particular, the study of on-line sales experience from the perception and experience of shoppers will focus on the following questions which need to be answered:

What are the reasons that a customer prefer to shop on the internet?

What does a customer check while shopping online?

What are the security problems faced by customers while shopping online?

1.2 Contribution of the Study

Unlike traditional view of consumers' economic activities that assumes that a consumer produces goods as well as consumes them, using the input of time and other market goods or services. The consumer maximizes utility, subject to goods constraints and time. Restrictions on ownership (cash income) consists of revenue per unit of labor time multiplied by the ...
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