Online Advertising

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Evaluation of Online Advertising Strategies



Banner Ads2

Banner Ad Case Study2

Cost per Impression (CPM)3

Cost per Action (CPA)3

Pay-per Click4

PPC Case Study5

Email Marketing Strategy6

E-Mail Marketing Case Study6

Rich Media Advertising7

Rich Media Ad Case Study8


Evaluation of Online Advertising Strategies


Internet is now an important part of every one's life including individuals and organizations. In past decades, Internet has emerged as a way of exploring, connecting, socializing, creating awareness for many peoples. Internet now plays a leading role in carrying out business activities, and so do the marketing activities.

Marketing medium also shifted towards this online medium of communication, due to its increased usage. Marketers are focusing towards online advertising strategies due to its characteristics of low cost and flexibility. Apart from this, it is an active medium, and thus marketers prefer this medium to get their target audience involved. Business practices online marketing to attract new customers and increase their brand value. To carry out marketing campaigns, marketers use different strategies and marketing practices. Thus, it is important to evaluate the effectiveness of those strategies that whether they are affecting their target audience or not. Internet advertising is one of the well known practices of online marketing. Online Advertising includes banner ads advertisement, rich media advertising, pop-ups, paid advertisements etc (Talpau & Vierasau, 2012, p. 31).


Banner Ads

Banner advertisements have a standard format, and it contains graphics, text and link to the company website. The text and graphic are used to provide information to the targeted audience about the company's products and services. It is designed in a way that it attracts target customer to click on it. The content in the Banner ads can involve the customer in two ways i.e. Affective and Cognitive. For the cognitive element, we measure the incentives offered on per click. We measure the emotional appeal in the banner for the affective element. Appropriate emotional appeal may expect to attract greater involvement from the customer, and thus it increases the cost through ratio(Hershberger, 2003, p. 412).

Cost through rate is one of measures to evaluate the effectiveness of the banner ads. It determines the number of persons clicks on the banner ads and visits the web site. Furthermore, the ability to recall the banner ads and the attitude of people towards banner ads also used to evaluate its effectiveness. The more the person will be able to recall banner ads, the more he will be inclined towards making an online purchase decision(Bei Ju1, 35).

Banner Ad Case Study

Samsung has carried out online marketing campaign to market its X series Note Pc. The campaign used a DHTML banner which is linked to the micro site. In the campaign, the affective element of the message was the feature of referring the micro site to other friends, interactive demos and presentation of light and thin feature of the product as if it's flowing in the air. The cognitive element was the chance to win a Samsung Note Pc by participating in the contest. As there was both the emotional and cognitive appeal in the ad, it made ...
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