Social Networking Advertising

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Social Networking Advertising

Effectiveness of Social Networking Advertising

Effectiveness of Social Networking Advertising


Social Networking Advertising abbreviated as SNA it is a type of online advertising at different available social networking platforms. Social networking websites offers multiple advantages and benefits to the marketing managers, and advertisers. It helps them to identify the demographics of the target audience, and assist them to come up with the better advertisement. There is a prediction that there will be an in spending of social networking advertisement market, and it will come from America. (Burnkrant, R. E., and Cousineau, A. 2001) Social networking is increasing day by day due to the boost in the internet usage around the world. Well known social networking sites for social networking advertisement includes, Face book, twitter, Orkut, LinkedIn, and Bedo. Many marketing gurus expect that social networking advertising will transform the advertisement industry, and it will change the way for advertising. (Ailawadi, K. L., and Nelson, S. A., 2001, pp. 71-89.) According to Face book owner Mark Zukerberg the conservative way for advertising, and convincing people to purchase their product will change, and it will create a challenging environment for marketers. Online Advertising is unique and essential way for companies to reach their customers, but still market is immature requiring some developments.

History of social networking:

If we talk about the history of social networking, we can witness that social networking is an old trend. It has been in the globe since the initial days of internet in a shape of instant messaging. (Barry, T. E. 1990 pp.251-295) As time passes social networking start to transform in to online text messaging with the development of friendster and geocities. Social networking sites not only help marketers, but it has also helped the people of Egypt revolution movement and positioned social media in the front field. Social networking's sites are Web 2.0 evolve in shape of MySpace Face book and Orkut.

Social networking a form of online Advertising:

Earlier we discussed that online advertising is a new trend, and it's not a mature market. Now we will talk about the forms of online advertising. Online advertising has many forms in which one is social networking discussed earlier part of the essay. (Batra, P., and Ahtola, O. T. 2001)Social networking advertising is a point of attention for advertiser and marketers many businesses got success from this way of advertising for example, jet blue famous airline. Jet blue took advantage of online advertising by creating their account on twitter and keeps updating their discount plans, upcoming offers and many other concessions given to the customer online. It resulted in a huge success for jet blue airline and increased the followers on their twitter page. Many people kept looking jet blue airline twitter account for upcoming promotional activities. This strategy not only resulted in an increase of fans or followers but also helped jet blue airline to increase their customers. An idea of social networking advertisement helps users and gives the opportunity to share the information, feedback, and quality of services ...
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